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how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 21

a girl called Ben

Mules are a kind of slipper - the kind with a slight heel that you, um, slip your foot into. They can have open or closed toes. Mine are black velvet with open toes (hence the glimpse of green nail varnish) and are trimmed with a very fetching fine black feather trim - the maribu part.

We are not really talking understated good taste here - they are more the sort of thing to wear if you want to seduce the milkman. Think Freddie Mercury in the video of 'I Wanna Break Free'!

...Do I tell you that I got them to go with my leopard-print broom and dustpan and brush?

Damn! I just did.


how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 22

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

I don't think many milkman will fall for slippers. They probably watch what is rising out of them.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 23


I've been Alji for about 35 years but for aunty beeb I added the 'is'. Now I think about it I'll go back to Alji - clicks preferences!

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 24


I used my name in other chats, so people know directly that I'm a h2g2-fan. And as I took a planet, I don't identify with any of the people in the book.
By now I have met in RL a lot of people I know from the Internet and somehow I really got Magra, it's kind of a second name to me now.
smiley - huh Can't explain it really good
So I use it here too, even though I don't have to tell you that I love h2g2 smiley - winkeye

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 25

Researcher 177704

I would like to point out that my name came from the depths of my mind. I am *not* and Elton John fan! smiley - grr

smiley - rocket

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 26

Mu Beta

Dammit, I'd always assumed you were.

I, however, am a very big fan of what my alias implies...smiley - bigeyes


how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 27


Whereas I just chose a very obvious acronym that happened to be pronouncable as a word. I have a nickname in RL but its very common on t'web and has somewhat sad wanna-be-goth type connotations, which I aint, I got it for another reason entirely. So I tried to think up another name that was me, couldn't and logic lead me to the above.

which has now become a preferred online nick.

what fun.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 28

Captain Kebab

I just plumped for something I like, and made it alliterative. It never occured to me to do anything deeper. I've always kept the basic name I'm comfortable with it now, although I've added and taken away titles and little plugs A722026 .

All I need now is a smiley.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 29

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

I nicked mine from a list of Regency slang at a certain Georgette Heyer website.An incognita was a certain well trained type of coutesan.The other one that I sometimes use from the same list is Cytherean.

Incog-high priestess of burnt offerings.Sometimes.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 30

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

I just felt I was a bit of a fool, so I chose jester, capitalised it and added "The" to the front to indicate that I am the best damn fool ever!!!

BTW, Ictoan, what is your name an acronym for?!?


JOTD: The road to hell is paved with unbought stuffed dogs.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 31

a girl called Ben

Another Georgette Heyer fan! She is one of my secret vices, and I have to spread her books out on my shelves in a sad attemt at camoflage.


how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 32

Constipated Squirrel

smiley - smiley I did post here an hour ago but it hasn't shown up - and I forgotten what it was I said.. Nevermind smiley - smiley

Hey, look! thepost is out! smiley - smiley

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 33

Constipated Squirrel

How do I link to the post in conversaations?

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 34

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

<./>thepost</.> with < ./ >thepost< /. > (without the spaces between < and >

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 35


Alright I have seen enough evidence that people have nicked their names from Japanesse Anime, Manga and Lord of the Rings, The hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, come on we need more refrences.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 36

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Funny how I've not seen any Star Trek or Star Wars referenced names.They litter other sites.


how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 37

Great Western Lettuce (no.51) Just cut down the fags instead

I stole my name from a subsidiary company of Railtrack (which is also heavily linked with the building I work in) and combined it with a derogitary term that I remember from years gone by.

I am definitely looking forward to the day when various vegetables are immortalised in smileys.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 38


Do you think Stephen Byers lied, great western lettuce (51) trying to kick the habit of pulling people into debt.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 39


I want nothing to do with the LOTR

Mine relates to a piece of office furniture.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 40

Great Western Lettuce (no.51) Just cut down the fags instead

Do I think Stephen Byers lied? Do I think he pulled people into debt? Do I think he lied about his trying to kick his habit of pulling people into debt? smiley - headhurts

Er...Wibble Wibble. smiley - weird

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