A Conversation for Ask h2g2

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 61


Everyone's entiled to a free opinion apart from Margret Thatcher!

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 62

Researcher 178815

smiley - laugh

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 63


Has this thread died or has it just gone into Cybernation!

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 64

Researcher 178815

yes. smiley - smileysmiley - erm

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 65


Where did you get your name from?

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 66

F F Churchton

From the back of comedian's jokes weekly!!!

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 67


I'm declearing this thread unoffically dead!!

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