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how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 41


Greebo is a character from Lord of the Rings.. me knows this... ok... and me not mind admitting it... ~grin~

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 42

Gnomon - time to move on

I don't remember there being any cats in LOTR, but if there was one, I'm sure Denethor would have been stroking it absentmindedly as he brooded on the Fate of Gondor. I remember the phrase "the cats of Queen Beruthiel", so maybe Greebo was one of those.

Or was there a scene in the backstreets of Minas Tirith when Pippin cast his glance across the rooftops and saw an orange cat sunning herself, accompanied by Northen Brass Band music? smiley - doh

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 43


Greebo is a character in every book. Although I remember... from Discworld with the Witches of Lancre?

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 44


~huge grin~... me was there in most every scene... it was back in the days when me was a stunt cat... ~bigger than huge grin~... me was the fur on Frodo's hobbit feet... a very technical and prize worthy job me did... Tis a shame they don't give awards for stunt work in books... ~sigh~

Me turned down the same part in the film... you know how it is... me didn't want me to outshine the film... me thought it would be not very nice... and as we all know me is a very nice a lovable cat...

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 45

F F Churchton

Pokémon as well, Gand Admiral and you made me a Admiral so I stuck that in front of it.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 46


Another update, I have seen enough evidence that people have nicked their names from Japanesse Anime, Manga and Lord of the Rings, The hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, Star Wars and peoples weird imaginations.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 47

Constipated Squirrel

Mine came from a catch-phrase you say 'cos you like the sound of it.

"Look! A Squirrel" amongst others gave birth to mine smiley - smiley

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 48

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

in resonse to an earlier comment that there are no ST or Star Wars names round here.

i beg to differ.

Fully Assimilated Borg Tribble really HAD to come from star trek, didnt it?
smiley - winkeye

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 49

Still Incognitas, Still Chairthingy, Still lurking, Still invisible, unnoticeable, missable, unseen, just haunting h2g2

Well thank goodness-I would hate to be the only trekkie here.

Incog.smiley - biggrin

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 50


Must be the ultimate weapon FABT, at the rate they mutiply.

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 51

F F Churchton

Well if Borg tribbles want to take on the CGE, they can go ahead. We are rather bored lately, what with intergalactic respect thesedays.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 52

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

The explanation always seems to change, every time I give it to someone smiley - laugh Oh well, here goes.

No LOTR, No Pokémon *shudder*, No Anime, No Star Trek...

H.P.Lovecraft - the problem? Every Lovecraft fan and his dog uses the name Cthulhu (none of them ever seem to use Nyarlathotep, but that's a different story). So to differentiate myself from every other Lovecraft Monkey out there, I had to make it zippy and original. So I combined it with my favourite dessert of all time. Cheesecake! Thus, instead of merely being "The Great Old One" Cthulhu, I became the Great Elder Dessert Goddess, of immeasurably creamy and sticky evil.

Hence my email tagline...

~Cheesecakethulhu. Sticky, sweet and _ever_ so bad for you...

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 53


Would people please, I'm begging you, stop using text type it's annoying, all it does is saves times and maybe effort. Also you don't like pokémon I take it, do you want to take this outside???

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 54

Gnomon - time to move on

What is text type?

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 55

F F Churchton

You know, all of these tedious shortcutting such as using abreviations such as LOTR, PNV, CGJFD, COD!!!

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 56

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

maybe you can start an entry on abbreviations you don't want to see, with their meaning, so others can also understand themsmiley - winkeye

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 57

Gnomon - time to move on

I think in a discussion about The Lord of the Rings, it is perfectly acceptable to use LOTR as an abbreviation. I disapprove of abbreviations in generaly though. Most of us can type as fast as we can speak so why bother with abbreviations?

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 58

F F Churchton

(That's what it meant, thank's for clearing that up.)
Grand ADmiral shouts in background.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 59

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Neh. Typing lazily last night so I used LOTR. Others were doing it so I didn't figure I'd be reamed for it.

And no, I don't like pokémon. I actively dislike pokémon. You're welcome to like them and enjoy the shows and whatnot, I just don't. *shrugs* Diff'rent strokes and all that sort of thing.

how many people here nicked their names from Lord of the Rings

Post 60

F F Churchton

Ok, just remember there is more of us than there is of you!!!

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