A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Paying for Sex

Post 441


...errmm, just did HIGNFY the once, as I say, err - wouldn't be doing it again though. Terribly sordid. Oh - I think I can hear my phone ringing - must dash!

Paying for Sex

Post 442

F F Churchton

Your not by any chance a Tory!!!

Paying for Sex

Post 443

a girl called Ben

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

I was once having sex in a hotel with a married man, and in that state of post-coital relaxation we started talking about Jeffrey Archer for some bizzare and unremembered reason.

He commented unfavourably on the way Archer conducted 'sordid affairs in seedy hotels'; at which point I amost fell off the bed laughing.

He apologised, and said he hadn't meant me, us, whatever, and apologised again. In fact he was more disturbed by the remark than I was.

I just smiled sweetly and said that I had been wondering if he was good for five grand.

I haven't seen him since, for some reason. smiley - huh


Paying for Sex

Post 444


smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - wah

smiley - okBen

Paying for Sex

Post 445


An ex-boyfriernd used to pay me for sexual favours. after we split up he wanted to continue having sex with me, 'for old times sake' so i said ok. but if your going to treat me like a prostitute you can pay for it, and he did. smiley - laugh

smiley - peacedovesmiley - devil

Paying for Sex

Post 446

F F Churchton

I never thought that would be possable for you Foxy Babe, snooping down that low!!!

Paying for Sex

Post 447


Hello Admiral Articuno,
He was my 'first love' & i still had a lot of feelings for him, i would've 'done it' anyway, the money was just a bonus. I didn't expect him to agree, the mug! smiley - laugh

It's weak, easy to manipulate men like him, that has helped me to be the tough Mistress Foxy that i am today. smiley - biggrin

smiley - devil

Paying for Sex

Post 448


Well... in a world where everybody seems to have a price... except working girls who are supposed to get real jobs... I guess it's sort of inevitable that we end up exploiting weak men because the strong ones exploit us.

So... just call me Lyle rather than Lil from now on because I think it would be better if everybody thought I was a guy ok? smiley - winkeye

Paying for Sex

Post 449


Whatever your gender, you'll only get exploited, if you *allow* yourself to be exploited. smiley - smiley

smiley - peacedovesmiley - devil

Paying for Sex

Post 450


Yep, that's true, Foxy Babe. Not a nice thing really, but true nonetheless.

Paying for Sex

Post 451


That sorta gets the exploiters off the hook doesn't it? I just love this victim as victimizer routine. Just makes me wanna go out and get raped just for the shear exploitational joy of it. smiley - winkeye

Paying for Sex

Post 452


There is a huge difference between *allowing* yourself to be exploited, and being raped. The first, you do willingly, though may later regret. The second is a criminal act against a person.

smiley - peacedovesmiley - devil

Paying for Sex

Post 453


Yeah... but that's beside the point because you said a person can only be exploited if they allow it and I think that's bilge. Exploitation is usually accomplished by coercion or intimidation if it isn't done by deception.

Paying for Sex

Post 454


Exploitation just means *used*. We all *use* each other & get *used* to varying degrees. Logic would dictate, that the weak willed would get *used* more, while the strong willed, would be *used* less, as they'll be the ones doing the *using*. And to varying degrees, for whatever reason, we allow ourselves to be *used*

smiley - peacedovesmiley - devil

Paying for Sex

Post 455


Maybe the strong willed will get *used* less, but not purely because all strong willed people will use others - maybe their strength of will manifests as self-control, as well as resistance to being excessively used.

While I understand the philosophical perspective from which one can can view any kind of interaction as one person using or manipulating another, I think it's a bit bleak to take it seriously as a complete description of human nature.

If I do something for someone else that costs me little, but is valued highly by them, and they do something similar for me, as far as I can see, we're both up on the deal. I don't see the reality of human relationships as a zero-sum game.

Paying for Sex

Post 456


"you'll only get exploited, if you *allow* yourself to be exploited."

Not to be too blunt: but that's naive rubbish.

Paying for Sex

Post 457


I don't know if it's logic dictating anything. Social Darwinism maybe but logic? smiley - winkeye

Paying for Sex

Post 458


Well probably human relationships aren't a 'zero-sum game' but that still doesn't preclude strict accountability now and then. Especially when there's like a dispute about the value of the exchange.

It's sorta like beauty.

You can see it as only in the eye of the beholder or you can see it in the love that's shared between people. In the first instance... you define it selfishly... whether enlightened self interest or not... while in the second instance you define it as a cooperative consensus... a working and playing well with others... but stuff still has to balance sooner or later... and that's not just a good idea but a law of the universe.

Paying for Sex

Post 459

combattant pour liberte

Maybe some find it hard to get it any other way.
(For example, soldiers. Sometimes it's either prostitutes, womanizing or...you know)

Paying for Sex

Post 460

combattant pour liberte

Yeah I don't think there's anything wrong if you're single. I think Holland and Victoria, Australia has the right idea abot legalisation. In Britain brothels (which are the safest form of prostitution if legalised) are illegal, but independent prostitution (the most dangerous kind) is technically legal--although soliciting and most other things to do with prostitution are illegal.

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