Combattant pour liberte
Hi, I'm a 21-year-old boy called Alex Wright, and I was in the same sixth form college as Tango and Mullet. However, I'm now at Aston University studying Politics with International Relations. I've finished school and I never have to do PE again...although I guess sitting in front of the computer wouldn't be very good for my health!
My email address: [email protected]
(not my personal one, so spamming is pointless)
My ICQ# is 342637828
My Wikipedia page:" >
/>My Wikipedia ID: Kingal86
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Your entry has been submitted to 'Flea Market' | Aug 16, 2005 |
Hello..... | Mar 22, 2004 |
viva iva la revoluccion | Mar 22, 2004 |
ribbett | Feb 4, 2003 |
Hi combattant pour liberte.... | Feb 4, 2003 |
combattant pour liberte
Researcher U206459
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