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The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 521


I agree. And as far as "fat, sweaty, unsubtle beer-swilling" types go, they are observable every weekend in every British town and city.

Worst song: Tears K Dodd smiley - wah

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 522


Apologies. I shall place the word on the "caution before use" list.

But trying to define the "spirit of hootoo", aren't there full-blown conversation threads on h2g2 along the lines of "what I most hate about the French/Americans/Germans/Spanish/Italians", et c? Some of those crossed the invisible line between badinage and xenophobia quite frequently, as I recall...

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 523

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

Apology accepted, as to other threads -not been there, but Ill take your word for it. Boundaries can be difficult to define and maintain.

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 524


Saw far too many "fat, unsubtle sweaty beer-swilling types" in central Manchester earlier this evening (8:00pm)on the way home from work... and that was only the women...

Thank you for accepting the apology, I could have found a more subtle wy of conveying the concept that the Birdie Song might have stayed obscure and Bavarian, if it had not travelled with German tourists to Spain and thence to other points in Europe.

There must be a word for this sort of phenomenon - it happened in an earlier age with "Lili Marlene" waiting underneath a streetlight by the barracks gate. As the only method of foreign travel in that era was to wait to be conscripted and then go abroad at state expense, it's doubly surprising this (by no means bad)song became an international hit.

But other mostly mediocre Euro-hits that followed the same path of contagion - from Spanish tourist dives, back home with the tourists...

"La Macarena"
"Una Paloma Blanca"....

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 525

GrumpyAlembic {Keeper of 143, comfort zones and vacillations }

They were so bad they had become expunged from the brain cell - I'll have to lay down!

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 526

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

"La Bamba"

fordsmiley - cheers

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 527


Yo no soy marinero; yo no soy marinero, soy capitan.....

(better be careful here as last time I was modded it was for posting in Welsh... damn cheek, as the thread was about the relevance of the Welsh language in modern Wales and I was arguing that it had EVERY relevance)

So what the Mods will make of a bit of latino spanish I have no idea.... I am merely quoting the lyrics to "La Bamba", dear Mods... it means "I'm not just a mere sailor, i'm the captain"

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 528


I did wonder what it meant! I quite like it though!
There's some popular seventies stuff that's pretty tragic,
"Blockbuster" I think it's called is one such example, you know, "does anyone know the way there's GOT to be a way, to BLOCKBUSSTER!!" Usually played back to back with Shang a lang.


P.S. I love most of Boney M's stuff except for Brown Girl in the Ring!

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 529

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Oi, Powminator!

Don't diss, The Sweet smiley - laugh

I have 'Wig Wam Bam' on mp4! smiley - magic

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 530


Sorry, I just can't help it! Wig Wam Bam doesn't make me ill though!

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 531

badger party tony party green party

There are many categories for worst song ever.

Dull derivative music should be one. There seemed to be a lot of htis about when Techno first went over ground. Technotronic and 2Unlimited were primer purveyors of music that on the first couple of listenings sounded fresh but then sounded empty because apart from the idea of making a "techno" record using a flourishing style that was mostly only heard in clubs at the time after that both bands ideas ran out pretty quickly. So "This beat is technotronic" by Technotronic and "No Limits" by 2Unlimited both qualify for dishonourable mentions.

Im sure other "new" waves of music were leeched upon by mindless copyists hoping to ride the bandwagon to sucess, Ive heard some really bad attempts at reggae in the early 1970s and rap in the early 1980s so for me neither of them is anywhere near as bad as PJ and Duncan aka Ant and Dec aka those two mildly talented, likeable auto cue monkies from the North East of England. They had the cheek to make bad rap in the mid 1990s.

What they did was make a really bad "rap" record and then made some more and then a couple of taken ballads for balance of appeal Im guessing given that their target audience was the teen girl market and had the audacity/greed to call it an album. Where a musical album usually contains ideas this had not a single one of any originality or merit stillit did well enough to make people think it was worth releasing a further two.

They were very bad ove and over again.

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 532


Worst song ever? My vote would have to be Dominic The Donkey. Truly awful stuff...

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 533


I haven't heard the donkey song but one of the girls in work keeps singing it. Where's it from?

The worst Song Ever - my vote

Post 534

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

AgProv... never sing that again
fordsmiley - cheers

The worst Song Ever?

Post 535


*Anything by the hideously twee Katie Melua or the ever more hideously twee The Feeling
*ELO stuff like Horace Wimp that makes my insides want to curl up and die
*Sacrifice as mentioned earlier. Elton can torture the most beautiful of songs " It's no sack- eer- rah- fi-ice" I'm Still Standing is awful too.
*That stupid Des'ree song: http://www.bbc.co.uk/6music/events/lyrical/top10.shtml
*Anything by Journey South. There's something about the way they harmonise that makes me want to pull my ears off
*Evanescense for that screeching bird who sings the same note for everyting. And holds it. For aaaaaaaaaages.
*DJ Otzi. Grr.
*Franz Ferdinand (Matinee worst offender)

The worst Song Ever?

Post 536

The Groob

"Slowly walking down the hall,
Faster than a cannonball,
Where were you when we were getting high?"

I love these lyrics. It's been said that the best lyrics are ones that are open to some interpretation. For me this makes me think of absent friends who have 'gone off the rails' at some point.

"I'm as serious as cancer when I say rhythm is a dancer"

Utterly unforgettable and unintentionally funny! smiley - somersault

The worst Song Ever?

Post 537


I love that Oasis lyric too. It makes me think of what it's like when you are off your face (on legal substances of course smiley - winkeye ).

I think it can be classed as an oxymoron but it is mistaken for a nonsense lyric.

The worst Song Ever?

Post 538


Nonsense lyrics and Oasis... "Some day you will find me/Carpeting a landslide..." As the bloke from Carpet World said, doing the reverse whistle through his teeth thing, that'll be quite a few square metres of Axminster...

The worst Song Ever?

Post 539


Green green grass of home.

Honey I love you.

Tie a yellow ribbon

The worst Song Ever?

Post 540


"The Floaters" with "Float On".

It has to be the 12" extended version though. The one with the sad lounge style cheesey musak intro that allows each of the band members to individually introduce themselves and tell us their star sign...

[almost breathless with excitement and arousal]
"Larry..... Aquarius"
[/almost breathless with excitement and arousal]

Very very bad. But equally very funny if you only ever have to listen to it once.

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