A Conversation for The h2g2 Language Thing - GERMAN Department
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
dashenka Posted Jan 15, 2008
Dear Thomas,
Yes, you're right-you're not to be my teacher forever..but..I hope you can try to stay my dear friend forever!
Well, the word 'teacher' is a bit complicated...I mean it is difficult to say if you are really my teacher..I would rather say you're my greatest pillar of strength!!!!
Thank you for standing by me!!!!
Well, okay....business before pleasure..
Here is the second part of my German homework.
Thank you for your help, Thomas!!!! You're great!
11.Am Abend trafen wir uns vor der Buchhandlung in der Herzen Strasse.
We met each other in front of a book shop in Herzen street.
12. Ich sah fast alle Auffuehrungen des Theater an. Die Auffuerungen machte ein grossen Eindruecke auf mich.
I watched almost all the plays of this theatre. The plays made a great impression on me.
13.Er versprach mich dass er mich an dieser Woche anrufen wird.
He promised that he will call me this week.
14. Versprich mich dass du mich am Sonntag besuche. -Ich verspreche dich es.
Promise to visit me on Sunday.-I promise this to you.
15.Welche bedeutendsten Architekten des 20. Jahrhunderts weisst du?
Which distinguished architects of the 20th century do you know?
16.In lebhafter Unterhaltung verging die Zeit wie im Fluge.
The time flew in a lively conversation..
17.Nach der interessanten Vorlesung tauschten wir lang unsere Eindruecke aus.
After an interesting lecture we exchanged our impressions for a long time.
18.Niemand von uns wussten wo verbringt er seinen Urlaub.(wo er seinen Urlaub verbringen wird?)
Nobody knew where he would spend his holidays.
19.In diesem Tag niemand von uns konnten einschlafen.
At this day nobody of us could fall asleep.
20.Erinnerst du dich welche Werke schuf er nach dem Krieg?
Do you remember which works he created after the war?
21.Ich orientiere mich schlecht in dieser Stadt.
I orient myself badly in this city.
22.In der Zentralstrassen und Plaetze befinden sich die beste Theaters und Lichtspieltheaters der Hauptstadt, Restaurants und Cafes, die groessten Kaufhaeser.
There are theatres and cinemas in central streets and squares of the capital, restaurants and cafes, the biggest department stores.
23.In der Stadtmitte bifinden sich Moskauer Kreml und der rote Platz.
In the city centre there are Moscow Kremlin and the red Square.
That's it...but for today!
I hope to send you more tasks soon.
Thank you, Thomas!!!!!
Take care,
Your student...
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
PaulchenPanther Posted Jan 15, 2008
Dear lovely Dasha,
Do you remember the hope beyond hope?
To be a teacher is not my real profession but to support you makes huge fun.
Thank you very much indeed for your compliments.
Here you are the second part of your German homework.
11. Wir trafen uns abends vor einer Buchhandlung in der Herzenstrasse.
We met each other in front of a book shop in Herzen street in the evening.
12. Ich sah fast alle Auffuehrungen dieses Theaters. Die Auffuerungen machten ein grossen Eindruck auf mich.
I watched almost all the plays of this theatre. The plays made a great impression on me.
13. Er versprach mir, dass er mich in dieser Woche anrufen wird.
He promised that he will call me this week.
14. Versprich mir, dass du mich am Sonntag besuchst. - Das verspreche ich dir.
Promise to visit me on Sunday. - I promise this to you.
15. Welche bedeutenden Architekten des 20. Jahrhunderts kennst/ weisst du?
Which distinguished architects of the 20th century do you know?
16. Die Zeit verging in einer lebhaften Unterhaltung wie im Fluge.
The time flew in a lively conversation..
17. Wir tauschten lange unsere Eindruecke nach einer interessanten Vorlesung aus.
After an interesting lecture we exchanged our impressions for a long time.
18. Niemand wusste, wo er seinen Urlaub/ seine Ferien verbringen wuerde.
Nobody knew where he would spend his holidays.
19. An diesem Tage konnte niemand von uns einschlafen.
At this day nobody of us could fall asleep.
20. Erinnerst du dich, welche Werke er nach dem Kriege schuf?
Do you remember which works he created after the war?
21. Ich orientiere mich nicht gut in dieser Stadt.
I orient myself badly in this city.
22. Es gibt Theater und Kinos in den Hauptstrassen und Vierteln der Hauptstadt, Restaurants und Cafes, die groessten Warenhaeuser.
There are theatres and cinemas in central streets and squares of the capital, restaurants and cafes, the biggest department stores.
23. Im Stadtkern befinden sich der Moskauer Kreml und der Rote Platz.
In the city centre there are Moscow Kremlin and the Red Square.
I am looking forward getting the next task.
Bye for now,
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
dashenka Posted Jan 23, 2008
Dear Thomas,
Here is my next German task. Well, I'm tied up with my exams now and I feel myself like a maniac! My being ill makes the situation more complicated as you know-'The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.."
Well, what do you say about it in German?
Okay, here is my grammar task..but please don't be afraid! I know, there must be a lot of mistakes..Forgive me, Thomas! I feel myself so shy about my awful German..
But...I hope one day I will speak it well....
Let's hope!!!
As soon as my exams are over I want to study German seriously..I mean more words, structures, grammar.. You know, I should speak it in summer!!! I hope you know why!
Okay, if you have time-please check these sentences up! I am having my German this Saturday but as I will be busy all these days, I decided to do this task today....so, I would be grateful to you if you could finish checking this up till Friday..
Okay, look at it:
1.Ich kam in Moskau vor zwei Wochen an.
I arrived in Moscow two weeks ago.
2.Ich interessierte mich hier fuer alles weil ich in dieser Stadt zum ersten Mal war.
I was interested in everything in this city as I was here for the first time.
3.Ich bewunderte neue Gebaude, grosse Laeden, schoene Strassen und Plaetze und vor allem die Moskauerin U-Bahn
I admired new buildings, big shops, nice streets and squares and especially (most of all) the underground of Moscow.
4. Die Moscauerin U-Bahn ist sehr schoen!
The underground of Moscow is very beautiful!
5.Ich kann mir das nicht vorstellen dass Moskau irgendwann ein grosses Dorf war.
I can't imagine that Moscow used to be a big village.
6.Allmaehlich veraenderte Mosckau ihr Antlitz (Gesicht), sie werde groesser und schoener!
Moscow changed its face step by step, it became bigger and nicer!
7.Fuer (In) letzte Jahre in Moskau kamen viele neue Bezirke mit vielestoeckig Wohnhaeuser, Schulen, Kindergaerten, gruenen Rasen an.
There appeared many new districts with many-storied buildings, schools, kindergartens, green lawns for recent years.
8.Und jetzt erinnert es wenig an altere Moskau.
And now little things remind about old Moscow.
9.Moskau ist heute eine die groesste von modern Staedten.
Today Moscow is one of the biggest modern cities.
10. Besonders mochte ich den Rote Platz und den Kreml.
Especially I liked the Red Square and Kremlin.
11. Leider konnte ich nicht alle Sehenswuerdigkeiten dieser altere und immer jungerer Stadt besichten.
Unfortunately I couldn't see all the sights of this old but always young city.
12.Aber konnte ich Tretjakow Galerie und viele Museen und Ausstelungen besuchen.
But I could visit Tretyakov gallery and a lot of museums and exhibitions.
13. Ich wusste viel Neues und Interessantes und ich machte mich mit gastfreundlich Moskauerin bekannt.
I learnt many new and interesting and I made acquanted with many hospitable people of Moscow..
Phew!! That's it so far..
I don't know if I am able to type other German tasks here these three weeks..maybe..I will see...
Thank you so much, Thomas!!!!!!
Your student
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
PaulchenPanther Posted Jan 23, 2008
Dear Dasha,
We say in German:'Der Geist ist willig, doch das Fleisch ist schwach.'
However that may be:'In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft.'
Your German sounds and looks really good for me!
I wished my Russian would be as well as your command of German.
Here you are my proposals of correction.
1. Ich kam vor zwei Wochen in Moskau an.
I arrived in Moscow two weeks ago.
2. Ich interessierte mich hier in dieser Stadt fuer alles, da ich zum ersten Mal hier war.
I was interested in everything in this city as I was here for the first time.
3. Ich bewunderte neue Gebaeude, grosse Laeden, schoene Strassen und Plaetze und hauptsaechlich (vor allem) die Moskauer U-Bahn.
I admired new buildings, big shops, nice streets and squares and especially (most of all) the underground of Moscow.
4. Die Moskauer U-Bahn ist bildschoen!
The underground of Moscow is very beautiful!
5. Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Moskau irgendwann einmal ein grosses Dorf war.
I can't imagine that Moscow used to be a big village.
6. Moskau veraenderte schrittweise sein Erscheinungsbild, es wurde groesser und schoener!
Moscow changed its face step by step, it became bigger and nicer!
7. In den vergangenen Jahren erschienen dort viele neue Bezirke mit Hochhaeusern, Schulen, Kindergaerten und Gruenflaechen.
There appeared many new districts with many-storied buildings, schools, kindergartens, green lawns for recent years.
8. Und wenige Dinge erinnern jetzt an das alte Moskau.
And now little things remind about old Moscow.
9. Heute ist Moskau eine der groessten modernen Staedte.
Today Moscow is one of the biggest modern cities.
10. Ich mochte besonders den Roten Platz und den Kreml.
Especially I liked the Red Square and Kremlin.
11. Leider konnte ich nicht alle Sehenswuerdigkeiten dieser alten aber stets jungen Stadt besichtigen.
Unfortunately, I couldn't see all the sights of this old but always young city.
12. Ich konnte jedoch die Tretjakow Galerie und viele Museen und Ausstellungen besuchen.
But I could visit Tretyakov gallery and a lot of museums and exhibitions.
13. Ich lernte viel Neues und Interessantes, und ich machte mit vielen gastfreundlichen Moskauern Bekanntschaft.
I learnt many new and interesting and I made acquaintence with many hospitable people of Moscow.
You are very welcome! I enjoyed this task very much.
My best wishes for your soon recovery and much success within the next three weeks!
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
dashenka Posted Jan 23, 2008
My dear Thomas!!!
Thank you so much for your great help and for your huge support!!!! I feel myself very fortunate to know you!!! Thank you, dear friend!!!!!!! You cannot imagine how much I will miss you...
Okay, hope to be back soon..
Thank you!!!!!!!
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
dashenka Posted Jan 23, 2008
Dear Thomas,
Could you check this sentence up too? Thank you!!!!
Ich besichtigte viele Stationen, und alle von ihnen sind wunderbar!
I saw many stations, and all of them are wonderful!
Help me, please!!!!!!!
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
PaulchenPanther Posted Jan 23, 2008
Dear Dasha,
I would rather translate this sentence as followed:
Ich besichtigte viele Stationen, und sie sind alle wunderbar!
I saw many stations, and all of them are wonderful!
My pleasure! Gern geschehen!
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
dashenka Posted Jan 23, 2008
Dear Thomas,
can I say 'du bist wunderbar!!!!??
You are wonderful, Thomas!!!
Thank you so much...
Training area for Dasha and Thomas
PaulchenPanther Posted Jan 23, 2008
Dear Dasha,
Thank your very much indeed for your lovely compliment.
See you at next opportunity.
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Training area for Dasha and Thomas
- 141: dashenka (Jan 15, 2008)
- 142: PaulchenPanther (Jan 15, 2008)
- 143: dashenka (Jan 23, 2008)
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- 145: PaulchenPanther (Jan 23, 2008)
- 146: dashenka (Jan 23, 2008)
- 147: dashenka (Jan 23, 2008)
- 148: PaulchenPanther (Jan 23, 2008)
- 149: dashenka (Jan 23, 2008)
- 150: PaulchenPanther (Jan 23, 2008)
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