A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

Heroville Cathedral

Post 121

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

*feels extreme relief*

Heroville Cathedral

Post 122


[Sharp]: (To Gandark & the priest, Father Smith): "...Any luck yet in that whole-'dark-poisoning' problem yet (any new findings/progress)?

Heroville Cathedral

Post 123

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

*out of breath*
sorry im late!! whad I miss? anyone needs music?!
*smiles at peoples spiteful stares*

fordsmiley - cheers

Heroville Cathedral

Post 124


[Sharp]: (thinks: I'm not being spiteful. Yet...): "Well, I'd like to smiley - run you up to speed,-'ceptin' for hows I don't know much more of/on it myself..."

Heroville Cathedral

Post 125


[Sharp]: "..." (said dramatically(?!))

Heroville Cathedral

Post 126

A. Honeybadger

[Feohleas] Looks with fondness at the group of idiosyncratic people gathering around Gandark as she remembers why she had begun her journey, and silently glides unnoticed into the shadow of the cathedral wall.

With great concentration she exerted her shadow powers to hide herself from view and, with a heavy heart, (smiley - cry) set out for the next town.

Sorry everyone, I just don't have the free time I need to continue with Silver Sword. Have fun and smiley - goodluck for the quest.

Heroville Cathedral

Post 127

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

*strides up five minutes ago* Hello. *Five minutes later* What's going on?

Heroville Cathedral

Post 128

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

oh drat, we have three people, we need four at least

Heroville Cathedral

Post 129

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

We have four: Me, Tobias, Sharp, and Gandy.

Heroville Cathedral

Post 130

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Excellent. smiley - ok

Sir Jeff walking straight from the palace was stopped by an old friend, whom he calls "Andrew" ... it seems that Andrew was once his squire.

Mr. Andrew props up old Sir Jeff on his way to the cathedral.

[Sir Jeff] smiley - sorry Sorry I'm late, gentlemen ... cough ... and ladies! Ah ... is the she-elf who first took up the Dark Sword with us?

yeah part of the deal was she gets a chance at becoming a legendary hero on this quest if she comes forward at this point ... otherwise we have some buisiness to conduct before we get started

Heroville Cathedral

Post 131


[Sharp]: "This may become interesting..."

Heroville Cathedral

Post 132


: well then, mightn't someone goan' find/tell her then?

Heroville Cathedral

Post 133


[Aeryn] *wanders in wondering where everyone has gone. She sees a group whispering to themselves in the corner and joins them yawning*

Heroville Cathedral

Post 134

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

Wotcher. *takes out a small sundial and twiddles with it*

Heroville Cathedral

Post 135


[Sharp]: (To Aeryn): "See. Told ya they was waiting for yas..."

Heroville Cathedral

Post 136


[Sharp]: "smiley - ok, so now what?"

Heroville Cathedral

Post 137


[Sharp]: *undoes the clasps to his codex and reads the spell smiley - book for awhile*

Heroville Cathedral

Post 138


: Just did
[Sharp]: *closessmiley - magic spellsmiley - book and locks shut clasps/clasps straps shut.*
"So, anyways..."

Heroville Cathedral

Post 139

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-


Heroville Cathedral

Post 140

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

Yes, that was a more eloquent way of putting what I've been saying since ... you joined I guess.

[Sir Jeff] Miss Aeroyn! I say! Do you think you could help us? This weapon, you see, is cursted, and we need it taken care of ... you must listen to the tale and afterwards do as ye think best, if ye have any honour.
smiley - towelNerd42

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