A Conversation for Silver Sword - Heroville Town Square

Heroville Cathedral

Post 141


: [Sarcastically, but meant in a benign fashion]: "Thankee ever so much..." - smiley - doh. [Then said seriously]: "I am going for less posts when I'm on... smiley - erm maybe it's a learning curve, (smiley - footinmouth @ least I'm working on it)."
[Sharp]: "So... if'n anyone mightn't be kind enough to bring meself (and any others 'in the dark', so to speak), up to speed..."

Heroville Cathedral

Post 142


: *waits, (though not impatiently)* smiley - laugh

Heroville Cathedral

Post 143

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-


Heroville Cathedral

Post 144


OOC> I don't really have time for this, and there is more bickering going on than plot. I'm going to leave you to it for a while. See you later. </>

[Aeryn]: *has had enough of this 'hero' stuff, so she grabs her pack and leaves town*

Heroville Cathedral

Post 145


: (Complaining): smiley - footinmouth: " 'cuz you guys 'are mean'."
smiley - rofl

Heroville Cathedral

Post 146


: [sarcastically]: Oh great. Now look... & don't tell me that I went & did that, because I'm the one who helped to get 'er character over here to the cathedral. smiley - doh

[Sharp]: "Oy, Aeryn -wait up a sec."

Heroville Cathedral

Post 147


[Sharp]: "Thanks alot. Now all I wanna do is stroll around and sulk."

Heroville Cathedral

Post 148


[Sharp]: *returns hiccup-ing*

Heroville Cathedral

Post 149


[Sharp]: (To Tobias): "When I'm sober, I wanna have a smiley - wizard duel w/ya (not to the death though!)."

Heroville Cathedral

Post 150

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

<<< Right, that was 5. Stop it now.>>>

Heroville Cathedral

Post 151


: 'Cuz a drunken mage can be a very dangerous thing...might go around casting spells by accident + stuff. smiley - laugh

Heroville Cathedral

Post 152


: You wanna go at it, then? *puts up fists, but then remembers something: It would be a dumb idea to try and get into a fight with someone who can 'manipulate time.' Ex: They could say slap you across the side of the head, then-while you were still trying to get your bearings/ascertain what it was that hit you,-why,then-they could turn time back over again and hit you several times over. Owch.

Heroville Cathedral

Post 153

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

*Manipulates time to before Sharp knew how to post random drivel in repetitive posts that no-one reads or cares about* Shall we get on with this quest?

Heroville Cathedral

Post 154


[Sharp]: *likewise contemplates zapping Tobias with a bolt of smiley - magic energy from his hand/fingers, but thinks better of it than to.*
"I'd like to. Ready if you are..."
: Where the h*ll is everybody else and/or the DM? smiley - laugh

Heroville Cathedral

Post 155

Captain T A Nuge, leader of the Clique (A3542186) Join today! -Back from the dead-

<<>> I had to reverse time to before you were born. Ah well, no-one will notice.

Heroville Cathedral

Post 156


<<<smiley - footinmouth: Oh, good point. Zap: }FrzZzaTt!{ >>>

Heroville Cathedral

Post 157


[Sharp]: "There has been something a bit troubling me though still Tobias... If you set time to from before I was born,-smiley - erm why am I still here? It must be because you don't know how old I am (smiley - doh)."

<<smiley - evilgrin: I'm not saying, (So you'll just have to guess smiley - tongueout)>>

*plucks/pulls out a stray grey hair.*

Heroville Cathedral

Post 158


: So, um-now what?

Heroville Cathedral

Post 159

The Artist Formerly Known as Nerd42

I need to finish typing up Sir Jeff's tale, that's what, then I'll post it, y'all can read it and the quest can start.

Heroville Cathedral

Post 160


: Oh. And here I was beginning to really think that it was like Tobias was saying, that I had scared evryone away from theat whole smiley - skull dreaded 'omni-post' thing. Really didn't mean to/it wasn't on purpose. smiley - footinmouthsmiley - doh

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