SuperMarket XXIV: For Researchers Eyes Only
Created | Updated Apr 5, 2015

New To Flea Market
Following the spring clean of the University, many entries for projects that weren't completed are now in the Flea Market, ready to be rescued!
- Alan Titchmarsh by Mizzpinky
- Sir David Jason OBE by Mizzpinky
- US Army Rank by Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron
- Babylon-5 - Synopsis by TowelMaster
- The French Revolution - an overview by Spiff
- The debt-based economy: time for change? by Zarquon
- Aquarium Maintenance by Petkan
- Christopher Marlowe - Prodigal son of British Theatre by Caregan
- Generators by Ema
- Wines of Bordeaux by HappyDude
- Nuclear warfare - summary of types of radiation by Hoovooloo
- Chemical Warfare Agents by Two Bit Trigger Pumping Moron
- Internal-Combustion Engines by SuperFreak
- An Overview of the Genetic Algorithm by emmalouise99
- The Seven Wonders of the World by Titania
- Project Computer Viruses- What are viruses? by Hal1
- Introduction and Glossary of Terms by Cestus
- Sailing Ships by stragbasher
- The Minister's Cat by Mr. Christopher
- Bobbing for Apples by vogonpoet
- Great Opera Houses of the World by Azara
- An Introduction to Programming by Researcher PSG
- Linear Algebra by GTBacchus
- History of Clothing and Fashion by purplejenny
Please note that rather than have every single entry from a project in the Flea Market, only one entry from each project has been submitted but the others can be rescued too.
Particular mention must be made for Spiff's tragically unfinished The French Revolution project. This encompasses the following entries:
- An overview of the French Revolution
- Pre-revolutionary France - The Ancien Regime
- The 1789 Revolution
- The Constituent Assembly 1789-1791
- The Legislative Assembly 1791-1792
- The Convention 1792-1795
- An overview of the French Revolution
- Glossary
- Louis XVI
- Marie-Antoinette
- L'Abbé Sieyès
- La Fayette
- Robespierre.
- St.Just
- Danton
- Marat
- Carnot
- Bailly
- Mirabeau
- The Terror
- The Committee for Public Safety
- The Diamond Necklace Affair
- The Fall of the Bastille
- The October Insurrection
- The Revolutionary Clubs
- The Arrest of the Royal Family at the Varennes
- Girondins
- Talleyrand
- Barnave, Duport et Lameth
- Brissot
- Pétion
- The Abolition of Privileges
- The Declaration of the Rights of Man
I sincerely hope that this project can be polished and make it into the Edited Guide - too much hard work has been put in it for it to be eternally abandoned!
Flea Market Rescues in Peer Review
Article Being Rescued | Conversation | Rescuer | Original |
What is Linear Algebra? | Peer Review | SashaQ | Linear Algebra by GTBacchus |
Doctor Who Enemies: Omega | Peer Review | Bluebottle | Omega - The Founder of Time Travel by Cyberhuman |
And Remember...
, the Flea Market needs You!