My Old Page (v3)

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Before we get started this page should not be viewed in Alabaster so click here to see it in proper Blue Goo

So why the name?

As I have been asked numerous times about my name, I suppose I ought to give the reason, if only to save me time in the future. The truth is that the desk that my computer sits on is grey. Its made of two grey steel filing cabinets with a bloody great big steel top linking the two together. Actually to be fair the top is covered in black plastic, but I'm sure you will all agree that calling myself "GreyWithBlackPlasticTopDesk" is rather silly


So do you want to know any more?

GD's Identity |
GD's Influences |
GD's Friends |
GD's Links

Places where me and my PC hang around

I have most recently been appointed as Muse of Rare and Interesting Bottled Beers. You can see my first musings on the subject in A Muse On Bottled Beer3

If you wish you can visit the Musehome and ask the Musemother for a muse of your very own smiley - smiley

  • The Song Titles thread. Where we link one song to another in a witty and amusing fashion
  • The main Thingites [The Campaign to Rename Thursday... yada, yada, yada...] thread called "No, No, No"4 (or N3 for short).
  • The Thingite disenters thread. The Campaign To Rename Thing, "Thursday"
  • The weird and wonderful world of Ask h2g2 where the community gathers to share its "wisdom".
  • Oh yeah, and my own small and discreet fan club thread

Seti And this is where my CPU hangs out when I'm not using it. Click on the box and join in all the "fun" of the search for smiley - aliensmile life-forms.

Oh and I'm an ACE smiley - (And a GURU too smiley - bigeyes)

The ACEs are the Assistant Community Editors.

We are nice friendly folk who wander around the site greeting new researchers and generally making their on-line experience more statisfying. Please feel free to ask any of us a question at any time. If I'm not around, use the drop down box below and find another one. They'll be as pleased as me to helpsmiley -

Here are the other ACEs....smiley - smiley
...And here are the other Gurus smiley - bigeyes

And to assist me in my ACE and Guru duties I have created:
GreyDesk's Really Useful ACE & Guru Links Pagesmiley - smiley

(But don't bother going there as I STILL haven't got round to finishing the blasted thing yet smiley - blush)

Some useful links for you all

Amnesty International who deserve everyone's support. If you don't feel you can write letters on behalf of prisoners of conscience, why not give Amnesty some money instead? They ain't going to turn it down you know.

Sheffield United FC The all time greatest football team in Sheffield. And here is a page of SheffU songs for you to join in with any time you visit us at the Lanesmiley - biggrin

Sheffield Wednesday FC a more unfortunate team who may well have a stadium up for sale at the end of the season when they go bankrupt (assuming they last that long of coursesmiley - laugh)

The Socialist Alliance who are putting forward a reasonably coherent alternative to our current authoritarian government.

Or if the party aren't organising in your area, this lot at The Green Party will do. I had just this problem at the last election but I found my local Greens to be quite an acceptable substitute in the circumstances.

The "conservative" party. Go and tell Tony what you really think of him.

The Conservative Party. Go and have a good laugh at their expense.

Somewhere to put bits and pieces to see if they work

I am a supporter (but not a member) of the
   Classic Goo Fan Club   
I used to use Alabaster, but I got over it. Thank you

created by Ottox and shamelessly nicked and adapted heresmiley - cheers

Assorted Ramblings & Conversations


Want to know more?

I am contactable at [email protected]5

I said I'm contactable, not that I will necessarily take any notice of what you scruffy urchins might have to saysmiley - smiley

It seems I've also acquired an ICQ number6 - 155870911

Total advertising plug heresmiley - nurse

Are you a smiley - nurse a smiley - doctor or another type of health care personage?

Do you want to work in one of the better cities in England?

Well get in touch we'ld love to hear from yousmiley - smiley
[email protected]

smiley - musicalnoteOh Sheffield
Oh Sheffield

Is Wonderful
Is Wonderful

Oh Sheffield is wonderful

La-La-Laa La-La-La-La

Oh Sheffield is wonderful...
smiley - musicalnote

Congratulations you've just been tuned in by the B.B.C smiley - winkeye

Click here to see where all those footnotes came from

1One thing I do want to point out though is that the correct spelling of my nickname is GreyDesk not Grey Desk. The lack of a space is vitally important2. OK I can't remember why it is vitally important, I just know that it issmiley - smiley2Acidbath tends to call me "Desky" which is OK from him as he is a local boy. But I disaprove of others following his example. As an alternative, "GD" is acceptable in most social situations.3Which got picked for inclusion into AGG/GAG Issue 10 for The h2g2 Post. Cheers Lads! smiley - cheers4Ostrich Features did press gang me into the Campaign, but he can't remember when he did it - Like I'm going to point it out to himsmiley - laugh5The old e-mail addy at [email protected] seems to have gone belly up for some sad reason smiley - wah6Whatever one of those issmiley - huh

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