AGG/GAG - 10

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February is Heart Month

Open your mind and say, 'AWW'!

The Committee for Alien Content (a division of AGG/GAG) is pleased to hear positive response to our efforts and promises we will continue to champion the forgotten and dismissed, the lost and unforgiven, the wayward-words of h2g2 glimmering in the darkness. Those ruff diamonds and rarer gems we call Aggies.

We will hover like vultures round the Flea Market and the Alternative Writing Workshop and will lurk and scout anywhere and everywhere. Like a sonic screwdriver, our magic Random Entry button turns the screws of Order and Chaos.

smiley - wizardTHIS WEEK: Another radical scientific theory, a Muse on the pleasures of bottled beer, and, a pre-Valentines Special which offers advice you need before St. Valentine's Day, not afterwards.

Continental Drift by Kwela Man

Here is another radical scientific theory, the only thing Kwela Man ever wrote other than his homepage introduction. Perhaps in the general sigh of relief that followed the turn of the century, when visions of doomsday were fading, no one was willing to take him seriously.

Or perhaps, as he says himself, 'This is because he is a musician; his words are poetry, his voice is melody and his walk is dance'.

A Muse On Bottled Beers by Grey Desk

The author himself says:
'The main reason for writing it was to finally put something back into the guide, rather than just taking all the time by chatting in the conversation forums.'

'But it was never intended for inclusion into the Edited Guide because it is a subject that will never get finished! It has more than tripled in length since its first outing and is liable to get bigger at any moment.'

'Also all those links and commercial references cause a problem, its been moderated more than once for being 'over commercial'. So I now try to make each link point to something giving information first and not just the sales talk.'

And we need say no more, the author has said it all.

Except perhaps smiley - cheers! But, of course, that sentiment is obvious both in the intention and execution of this handy reference.

Every beer drinker should bookmark this fivesmiley - starstar Aggy.

smiley - loveblushPre-Valentine's Specialsmiley - tickle

Note that this was written five days after St Valentine's Day 2000. smiley - bigeyesRead it and learn.

Unrequited Love by Superstar

Scouted by tonsil revenge and reviewed by =X Subcom.Deidzoeb , who said:

'No need to write an intro for the Unrequited Love, when the author wrote a perfect teaser in the body of the piece.':

'I have been in love with the same person for ten years now, and in all that time he has never once shown any interest in me whatsoever. He was my first love and I'm sure he will be my last. However, I am now at a stage where I can live with this unrequited love without it ruining my life or making me miserable. And this is how I did it:...'

May the spirit of the season smiley - smooch not pass you by.

Scouting the Guide for the good stuff we are working hard to bring you some very special Valentines next week. And of course we want to continue to offer more AGG/GAG approved entries in every new issue of the h2g2POST.

Your submissions and recommendations are essential to our survival. We invite your participation. Submit your own material. Recommend one you've found enjoyable. Or go to the The Flea Market and find one that's been abandoned and polish it up for all to see. Remember to give credit to the original author.

Just click on the discuss button below to start a new conversation thread.



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