A Conversation for AGG/GAG - 10

i'd like to recommend...

Post 1

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page


I think the author might have left the building, but it's a good entry and made me smiley - laugh


i'd like to recommend...

Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page


also is funny


i'd like to recommend...

Post 3


Hi FABT, smiley - ok

Great to have some input, sorry about the delayed response. The reason is, this thread is pretty much invisible to most AggGaggers. smiley - yikes

Why not pop over to the main page at agggag and start up a thread. You should get a warm welcome. smiley - ok

I did read your entries but I'd rather discuss them with a few others if you fancy it.

gotta smiley - zoom


i'd like to recommend...

Post 4

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page



wheres the main page?

sorry, i was up for work........19 hours ago and i am hainv trouble even reading the screan....


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