A Conversation for The Field of Honour

Rolling Glasslands

Post 121


Smart move. I figured now that with the RPG system, you'll choose two types of magic. The first will be your best, and all spells of that type are one level lower for you. The next one will be your second-best, and the spell levels will remain the same. The other three types will be raised one level for you. Sound good?

*Myst shakes the snow off him, takes out a dagger, and begins screeching it across the glass ground, like fingernails on a chalkboard.*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 122

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Summons Grond: The Hammer of the Underworld to his hand and smashes the glass that Myst is making that infernal noise on*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 123


*Cackles, and leaps upwards away from the shards.*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 124

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Throws a Glacial Spike at Myst while the drawing the Hammer back for another blow*

Glacial Spike is a very powerful level 24 [out of 30] ice attack that freezes that which it impacts on, and any in a radius of about 1-3 meters. It is a Diablo II spell, if you want, I can explain the Diablo spell system in greater detail at some other thread, or here in ooc smiley - ok

Rolling Glasslands

Post 125


Actually, you should check out here: A2415106
I've got the magic, chi, and psi systems all set up.

Rolling Glasslands

Post 126

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*The glacial spike gets closer and closer to Myst*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 127


*Myst quietly steps out of the way and pulls out a flamethrower.*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 128

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Opens his mouth wide and breaths an Arctic Blast at Myst's flame thrower*

Argtic blast is like fire breath, but instead of insinerating the target, it freezes it, and after a long enough period of time, shatters it

Rolling Glasslands

Post 129


*Switches on the flamethrower, and directs the stream of napalm at the icy spray. The two meet with a hiss...*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 130

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS keeps the ice breath going, intensifying it as he does*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 131


*Myst straps on the rest of the napalm tanks, flips the controls to "Self Destruct," dives out of the ice breath, and chucks the stricken flamethrower at HDS.*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 132

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS raises his arms and fires an energy net at the flame thrower, hoping to vaporize it*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 133


*The net only vaporizes parts of the flamethrower in a grid, resulting in napalm to spray forward as the machine detonates in front of HDS.*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 134

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Fortunately the shockwave from the explosion knocks HDS away from the flames. HDS gets slowly to his feet, raises one arm, and fires a wrist scorpion at Myst's neck*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 135

RPG Arbiter

*Myst snatches the scorpian out of the air and sets it down.*

I think two cans of napalm exploding right in front of you would do more than throw you back a bit. You'd wind up with burning petrol all over you, which I might add doesn't go out with water or wind.

Rolling Glasslands

Post 136

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*HDS retracts the wrist scorpion and casts Frozen Orb at Myst*

Frozen Orb is a powerful ice spell that freezes what it hits directly and damages everythign around it with razors of ice that spiral out from the orb itself as it moves

Rolling Glasslands

Post 137

RPG Arbiter

No, seriously. An exploding flamethrower would have killed you.

Rolling Glasslands

Post 138

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

technically the energy nets don't cut through things, they fully vaporize their targets. An energy net fired at a gaurd robot vaporized all of it, a door shot by one vaporized entirely, there-fore, the flame thrower would be entirely vaporized.

BTW, you should remember who you'r signed in as

*HDS throws another Frozen Orb at Myst*

Rolling Glasslands

Post 139

RPG Arbiter

However, it is a net. That means it vaporizes segments, and not the whole. You admitted that by letting it explode on you. Vis a vis, you're dead.

Rolling Glasslands

Post 140

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

time for a repost then. Because I'v seen the source from which I take not only my energy net, but also the char who uses it


*The flame thrower, having been vaporized, poses no threat to HDS, who casts Frozen Orb at Myst*

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