A Conversation for Fort 214: "The Fleapit"

On the Walls

Post 81

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*gets out large tumbler and presses to wall*

I cannot eere anyzing burt maybe my equipement requires an oopgrade smiley - sadface

*eyes stethoscope enviously*

Mais zat smell eez atrocious ..... where can eet be coming from ?

On the Walls

Post 82

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*Nostrils flare*
*tucks stethoscope away*
I think we may have a breach.
*readies sabre in best dramatic pose*

On the Walls

Post 83

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*fixes ridiculously long bayonet to end of rifle*

How do you like your kitty kebab - very rare perhaps ? smiley - winkeye

On the Walls

Post 84

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

Raw and steaming.

On the Walls

Post 85


Prepare to repel ze boarders!

*gets out aerosol can of cat repellent*

On the Walls

Post 86

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*Sits cross-legged on floor*
I am one with my blade.
Om si carnage om.
*Rises into stance of the fox*
I am ready.

On the Walls

Post 87

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*slides one very large onionion onto the end of his bayonet and readies a little capsicum, virgin olive oil and some eggplant*

Bien. I am all prepared and ready although I av noticed zat zere are no condiments or food flavourings pour les gastronomiques in ze Fort lately.

On the Walls

Post 88

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*the cats begin to climb over the walls*

*SM, having acquired a pistol, whip and sabre, stands behind a camel and pulls its tail*

*the camel squeals and kicks her over the wall*

...smiley - run...

*she lands directly infront of RD, poised and ready for battle*

So, we meet againsmiley - winkeye

On the Walls

Post 89

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

She's yours Red. Go to town.

On the Walls

Post 90


*covers self in cat repellent*

*points Howlitzer at top of walls*

'Ere, Kitty kitty. smiley - devil

On the Walls

Post 91

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Mon dieu ! Ze Sultana eerself smiley - yikes

En garde Chat smiley - grr

*brings rifle up to the ready position*

*the onionion and the bayonet drops off the end into the sand*

Bougeurre ! smiley - cross

On the Walls

Post 92

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*flicks whip, knocking the rifle out of his hand*

*brings sabre into 'Guarde' position and assumes the correct fighting stance, still holding the whip in her left hand and with her pistol stashed in her belt*

If I were you, I'd find a swordsmiley - winkeye

On the Walls

Post 93

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

No time to tremble, run her through. Remember:

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.

(From Frank Herbert's Dune)

On the Walls

Post 94

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*throws sabre to RD*

On the Walls

Post 95

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Unlucky for you Chat I am ze finest fencer in ze entire Foreign Fleagion. I can erect trellis like nobodies beezness.

Burt enough of zis larking around.

*with one eye on the Sultana he throws his rifle on to the ground, reaches over his shoulder and brandishes a new weapon*

Hah ! Now you are in ze merde !

*notices that he has un baguette in his hand instead of his sabre*

On the Walls

Post 96

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*notices QQ's sabre on the ground _and_ a curious look in the Sultana's eye*

On the Walls

Post 97

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*looks at RD curiously*

That baguette looks like it means businesssmiley - erm..

*uses the point of her sabre to flick the sword on the floor up and into RD's hand*

*salutes and attacks*

On the Walls

Post 98

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*Recovers sabre and shakes head sadly*
Such lack of co-ordination. T'will be the death of us all.
I hope you both did your stretching excercises, otherwise you'll get cramp.

On the Walls

Post 99

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

Okaay. simulpost. I'll just go and lie down for a while

On the Walls

Post 100

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*catches the Sabre and comes smoothly into a perfect Flying Swallow stance straight from the 'way of the sword manual'*

You will av to do better zan zat Sultana *grins*

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