A Conversation for Fort 214: "The Fleapit"

Down by the Oasis

Post 1


A couple of weary fleas lead their camels down to the water's edge, having completed a patrol in the sweltering midday sun.

The low buzz of thousands of mosquitos is particularly loud here; fleas are not the only bloodsuckers found in these parts. Under the canopy of the gently-swaying palm trees, there is some escape from the relentless sun, and these are also plenty of shadows, perfect for a sand-cat to hide in...

Down by the Oasis

Post 2


*A squad of crack Marksmen go around the trees...

...Marking them* smiley - winkeye

Down by the Oasis

Post 3


*Covers eyes*
I don't really want to see that

Down by the Oasis

Post 4

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*lurking in the shadows, if one looked really closely, can be seen a pair of yellow eyes*

smiley - cat*thinks: I think if I never see that happen again it'll be too soonsmiley - yuk*smiley - cat

Down by the Oasis

Post 5


*The marksmen finish their duties and head back to the gates of the fort*

Down by the Oasis

Post 6


*Follows behind, not wanting to get shut out in the sun*

Down by the Oasis

Post 7

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*follows discreetly*

Down by the Oasis

Post 8


*K-19 follows Shroom, lazer eyes at the ready*

Down by the Oasis

Post 9

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Sorry, that should have had smiley - cats around it- it's Cleosmiley - erm

Down by the Oasis

Post 10


Is she trying to get shelter too?

Down by the Oasis

Post 11

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Nope...she followed and is now following Ex- back downsmiley - smiley

Down by the Oasis

Post 12

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost *cough, cough*

Down by the Oasis

Post 13


*reaches into K-19's back*
*holds out bottle*
Here, have some cough medicine

Down by the Oasis

Post 14

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghost *Awakens*

Mother? Is that really you? I didn't mean to shave the cat, Honest!

*Swallows cough medicine*

*Seems to revive a little. Continues to drag herself pathetically forward. In her delirium crawls right past the oasis and out toward the airstrip...*


Down by the Oasis

Post 15


*Lunges for ex-R but falls right through her*

Down by the Oasis

Post 16


*Lunges for ex-R but falls right through her*

Down by the Oasis

Post 17


*Lunges for ex-R but falls right through her*

Down by the Oasis

Post 18

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*high on the walls watches Smilodon try to stop Rambling three times without success smiley - winkeye*

*signals Smilodon through the heliograph to return to the fort*

Down by the Oasis

Post 19

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - cat*nuzzles Ex- to keep her going*smiley - cat

Down by the Oasis

Post 20

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*desperately signals to Rambling on the wall mounted heliograph that she is marching straight into a Sultana trap*

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