A Conversation for Fort 214: "The Fleapit"

On the Walls

Post 1

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*a lone Foreign Fleagionaire patrols the parapet - his name Bow Geste smiley - winkeye*

On the Walls

Post 2

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*on a routine sweep of the horizon Bow sees a small dust cloud in the extreme distance through his binoculars*

On the Walls

Post 3


*A distant thundering can vaguely be heard, like the drumming of hooves on the rocky approach to the fort*

*A hush falls over the fort, as flegionnaires grasp their weapons, their knuckles whitening*

On the Walls

Post 4

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*wonders whether it is the refleaf column smiley - winkeye*

On the Walls

Post 5


*Loads water shell into howitzer*

On the Walls

Post 6


[Sorry, HOWLITZER smiley - winkeye ]

On the Walls

Post 7

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

check out the Armoury at A604667. We have the Chowitzer, the Chihauwitzer smiley - ok and now the Howlitzer smiley - laugh. I'll update the page as soon as I get a mo'

On the Walls

Post 8


[OOC- smiley - laughsmiley - laugh Funny funny! smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh ]

*The Colonel storms out of his office*

Corporal! Belay loading water shells! We need maximum devastation. We need...


On the Walls

Post 9

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - doh yes Sah !

All done Sah, armoury page updated and catnip rounds loaded awaiting your pleasure Sah.

On the Walls

Post 10


Good job, that man! Now, how accurate are our gunners? Able to shoot off the individual whiskers of a cat at 500 paces?

Break out the spud rifles, men. If the cats approach, give 'em a rapid chipping, but only when you see the... smiley - erm ... yellows of their eyes?

On the Walls

Post 11

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

We 'ave a small number of the special twin barrel hopper fed models Sir but a limited amount of King Edwards until the refleaf column gets here with supplies Sir. The reserve tinned potatos got et by the QSM Sir after one of 'is late night sessions with the Sgt Major.

The refleaf column is already two days overdue Sir, begging your pardon Sir.

On the Walls

Post 12


Curses! Dam' cats probably took 'em...

Right! No more than one spud per man! Keep fire down to short bursts of French Fries!

Now, what evil plan do the cats have up their big flappy sleeves...

On the Walls

Post 13

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*running ahead of the column, SM climbs a sandbank and stands dramatically in the wind as she scouts ahead with binoculars, her sand-coloured desert coat flapping around her*

Hmmm...I think they've spotted ussmiley - erm

*checks to make sure the sticks and dog treats are still in the pouches on her belt, for emergency use only*

*runs back down and continues towards the fort*

On the Walls

Post 14


*A messenger runs up to Colonel N7*

Crikey... New information, lads; the cats seem to be led by the dastardly Sultana Mushroom of Arabia! It's worse than I feared!

We're going to be in for a scrap, chaps.

On the Walls

Post 15

Big Bad Werewolf

*Out in front of the large dust cloud is a smaller dust cloud, moving fast. As it nears, hoofbeats can be heard.*

Clop-clop, clop-clop, clop-clop.

*The cloud and sound approaches the walls, then stops. When the dust settles a few moments later, it reveals a panting figure in a tattered fleagion uninform. He is holding a pair of coconut halves.*


On the Walls

Post 16

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*tries to catch up with the Monty Python Fan*

On the Walls

Post 17


*takes a potshot at Sultana Mushroom with catnip shell from a nearby howlitzer*

On the Walls

Post 18

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*rolls to the side to avoid the blast*

smiley - cross

Well, I hate riding, but...

*grabs a camel from another cat and gallops towards the fort*

On the Walls

Post 19


*starts chucking rotten fruit at SM*

On the Walls

Post 20


*riding disguised in the Cat caravan*

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