A Conversation for Fort 214: "The Fleapit"

On the Walls

Post 41

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*distracted by the assault on the front wall is running around and shouting quite a bit*

Merde ! Sacre bleu !

On the Walls

Post 42

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*Grapple snags wall*
*Head emerges over parapet*
Excellent. Best not leave the line dangling here... *reels it in*

On the Walls

Post 43

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*watches RD running around madly with some amusement*

On the Walls

Post 44

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*Everything stops to watch Red go mango*
*The wind stops, all fighting stops, some circling vultures pause mid-wheel*

On the Walls

Post 45


*swats fly*

On the Walls

Post 46

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*adds waving of hands in the air to running and shouting repertoire*

On the Walls

Post 47

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*Spontaneous applause*
*Stops clapping*
That's let the metaphorical cat out of the bag.

On the Walls

Post 48

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*a single shot from a snipeures rifle sends his Kepi spinning off the top of his head to the dusty floor of the fort many metres below*

Now zat was not funny - ze Kepi was brand neu ! smiley - cross

On the Walls

Post 49

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - laugh

*falls off camel*

Ouchsmiley - erm

*get trodden on by confused camel*

Owsmiley - injured

On the Walls

Post 50

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

smiley - laugh *points at Red Dog*
smiley - laugh *points at Sergeant*
smiley - laugh *points at sky*
*falls off wall*

On the Walls

Post 51

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*hears a shout behind him and turns to see a figuere in a desert cloak with the letters QQ embroidered on them fall off the wall. Luckily for the mysterious figure the landing is cushioned by a Fleagionaires Kepi with one hole in it which is crushed into the dust by the fall*

Zat was mon best Kepi !!

On the Walls

Post 52

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*shakes foot out of remains of Kepi*
*brushes dust off boot*
*sees Fleagionnaires looking at him*
Ah. Ah.
*sees indignant commanding officer*
Ah. Five second head-start, gentlemen?

On the Walls

Post 53

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Sure .... followed by ze traditional burying up to the neck in ze sand oui !

On the Walls

Post 54

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

Would it help if I said I am not affiliated with the *spits* cats in any way?

On the Walls

Post 55

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*shrugs shoulders in a very gallic way*

It is un possibilitee.

On the Walls

Post 56

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

*reaches carefully into jacket and produces his father's grail diary*
I've been on the trail of a rare journal. It recounts the journeys of an agent of my organsiation through the desert, and we would be very keen to get it back. According to our investigations *taps book*, it changed hands several times as fighting raged across the desert. Our trail runs as far as this fort.I was hoping to find either the journal itself or information as to its whereabouts.
*breaks out into sweat*

On the Walls

Post 57

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Hmmmm. We may av zeen your fathere ere at ze fort. Did ee speak weeth a slight speech impediment ecossais. Somezing like "schplendid fort you have here. A real shite for shore eyes" ?

Go zee ze Colonel at ze gates. I must deal with ze pesky chats.

On the Walls

Post 58

Queex Quimwrangler (Not Egon)

Much obliged.
*moves to gates*

On the Walls

Post 59

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Mon pleasire, and now if you don't mind I must continue wiz mon duties.

*carries on with running, hand waving and shouting about the Cat attaque*

On the Walls

Post 60

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

smiley - laugh

*makes camel move*

*gets up, slightly indignantly*

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