Tolkien Quiz - Hard
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Hard Tolkien Quiz 3
- Which Steward of Gondor gave the keys of Orthanc to Saruman?
- Who killed Scatha the Worm?
- How did Beleg Strongbow meet his doom?
- Where was Andor?
- Who are the bearers of the Sun and the Moon?
- Who was the first of the Children of Illuvatar to die?
- Name the sea of Mordor.
- What was Anfauglith first named?
- Morgoth left Angband three times during the War of the Jewels, what were the reasons?
- How many Balrogs were there?
Hard Tolkien Quiz 2 - Answers
First, apologies I did say that I was doing this quiz from memory and I think it failed me just a little here. For that reason I give the answers as I see them and invite criticism.
- Who was the first to claim the hoard of Nargothrond after the death of Glaurung? - Mim the dwarf
- Who is Irmo better known as? - Lorien. Irmo is his real name, strictly speaking, Lorien is his dwelling space.
- During whose reign was there civil war in Numenor? - First dubious one. I meant the answer to be Tar Palantir as I thought Ar Pharazon usurped the throne from him. In fact he forcibly married his daughter Miriel after his death. According to the relevant appendix in The Lord of the Rings however, during the reign of Tar Palantir there was 'strife and rebellion'.
- Who were the Keepers of the Three Rings prior to the Last Alliance? - Gil-Galad, Galadriel and Cirdan the Shipwright. After the fall of Gil-Galad, his ring passed to Elrond and Cirdan gave his to Gandalf upon his arrival in Middle Earth.
- Name the third battle of Beleriand. - The Glorious Battle. I forget the name of the first battle but it was before the arrival of the Noldor (death of Denthor, seige of the Havens and Doriath) - The battle in the dark or something. The second battle was The Battle under the Stars (death of Feanor, capture of Maedhros). The Fourth was Dagor Braggolach, the Battle of Sudden Flame (The leaguer of Angband broken, death of Fingolfin, Angrod and Aegnor). The fifth Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Unnumbered Tears (death of Fingon) and the sixth and last was the War of Wrath and Thunder in which Morgoth was overthrown.
- Name the guard who defends Faramir from Denethor's madness in Return of the King. - Beregond
- Who was the grandfather of Anarion? - Amandil, last lord of Andunie
- Who was involved in the conspiracy against Frodo in the Shire other than Sam, Pippin and Merry? - Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger
- Who was king of the Nandor? Denethor son of Lenwe (But I decided to accept Lenwe as an answer also)
- Where did Tulkas marry Nessa? On the isle of Almaren at the feast of resting just after the Valar had finally ordered Middle Earth after the casting out of Melkor and just before he returned and broke Ormal and Illuin the two great lamps.
Hard Tolkien Quiz 1 - Answers
Well done to Archangel Titania who wins an official h2g2 Tolkien Anorak! .

- Thorin was known as Oakenshield. How and where did he attain this nickname? - He was disarmed in the battle of Azanulbizar (outside the gates of Moria during the Orc War) and instead used an oak-branch as shield and club (Sorry Titania, that was such a good answer I had to copy it!)
- Who or what was Ringil? - The Sword of Fingolfin
- Many songs have been sung about Ecthelion of the Fountain - why?- During the fall of Gondolin he fought a duel with Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs and each killed the other.
- Who made his kingdom in Nevrast? - Turgon - he later abandoned it at the behest of Ulmo and built Gondolin
- Name the home of the master stone of the Palantiri. - The master stone yet abides in Tol Eressea - The Lonely Isle
- Name the chamber in Moria where the Fellowship make their stand against the orcs. Mazarbul - the chamber of records
- Who is the spouse of Nienna? - Noone - let's face it, who'd want to marry someone who does nothing but cry?
- What was the name of the last King of Arthedain? - Arvedui
- What was the name of the necklace the dwarves made for Thingol to contain the Silmaril? - The Nauglamir
- Translate Nirnaeth Arnoediad. - Unnumbered Tears (The fifth major battle in Beleriand)
Now if you don't find that hard then you deserve a Tolkein Anorak, just like me.