A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard
theanthrope quiz 2
il viaggiatore Started conversation Dec 16, 2001
>Who was the first to claim the hoard of Nargothrond after the death of Glaurung?
>Who is Irmo better known as?
>During whose reign was there civil war in Numenor?
Abraham Lincolnur
>Who were the Keepers of the Three Rings prior to the Last Alliance?
Cirdan, Gil-Galad, and Galadriel
>Name the third battle of Beleriand.
Battle of Sudden Flame
>Name the guard who defends Faramir from Denethor's madness in Return of the King.
>Who was the grandfather of Anarion?
>Who was involved in the conspiracy against Frodo in the Shire other than Sam, Pippin and Merry?
Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger
>Who was king of the Nandor?
Where did Tulkas marry Nessa?
In the shotgun wedding chapel of Valinor
theanthrope quiz 2
il viaggiatore Posted Dec 16, 2001
Trying Again...
>Who was the first to claim the hoard of Nargothrond after the death of Glaurung?
>Who is Irmo better known as?
>During whose reign was there civil war in Numenor?
>Who were the Keepers of the Three Rings prior to the Last Alliance?
Cirdan, Gil-Galad, and Galadriel
>Name the third battle of Beleriand.
Battle of Sudden Flame
>Name the guard who defends Faramir from Denethor's madness in Return of the King.
>Who was the grandfather of Anarion?
>Who was involved in the conspiracy against Frodo in the Shire other than Sam, Pippin and Merry?
Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger
>Who was king of the Nandor?
>Where did Tulkas marry Nessa?
theanthrope quiz 2
il viaggiatore Posted Dec 16, 2001
and again...
>Who was the first to claim the hoard of Nargothrond after the death of Glaurung?
>Who is Irmo better known as?
>During whose reign was there civil war in Numenor?
>Who were the Keepers of the Three Rings prior to the Last Alliance?
Cirdan, Gil-Galad, and Galadriel
>Name the third battle of Beleriand.
Battle of Sudden Flame
>Name the guard who defends Faramir from Denethor's madness in Return of the King.
>Who was the grandfather of Anarion?
>Who was involved in the conspiracy against Frodo in the Shire other than Sam, Pippin and Merry?
Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger
>Who was king of the Nandor?
>Where did Tulkas marry Nessa?
theanthrope quiz 2
il viaggiatore Posted Dec 17, 2001
Should have it this time?
>Who was the first to claim the hoard of Nargothrond after the death of Glaurung?
>Who is Irmo better known as?
>During whose reign was there civil war in Numenor?
>Who were the Keepers of the Three Rings prior to the Last Alliance?
Cirdan, Elrond, and Galadriel
>Name the third battle of Beleriand.
Battle of Sudden Flame
>Name the guard who defends Faramir from Denethor's madness in Return of the King.
>Who was the grandfather of Anarion?
>Who was involved in the conspiracy against Frodo in the Shire other than Sam, Pippin and Merry?
Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger
>Who was king of the Nandor?
>Where did Tulkas marry Nessa?
theanthrope quiz 2
Orcus Posted Dec 17, 2001
Apologies, the first time I said 8/10 it should have been 7.
A bit misleading, soz.
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theanthrope quiz 2
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