A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

This one is a really tough nut....hmmmmmm... oh - thanks for the anorak!smiley - smiley

OK, here goes:

1. Mîm
2. Lórien
3. Ar-Adunakhor
4. Gil-Galad and Gadriel
5. The Glorious Battle
6. Beregond
7. Amandil
8. Fatty Bolger
9. Lenwë
10. Arda

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 2


I make that 5/10 but I'll have check up a couple of answers there.

Arda?! Something a little more specific is required there smiley - winkeye
Two people for three Rings? - tut tut smiley - winkeye

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

I thought Gil-Galad had two rings?smiley - huh

Drat - I suspected Arda wouldn't be enough - still, had to try, didn't I?smiley - winkeye

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 4


Where did Gandalf get his from?

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 5


Hmmm, apologies, just checked the Valquenta (how come I can read that on the web? smiley - erm) Lorien is correct.


Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 6


Hmmm, apologies, just checked the Valquenta (how come I can read that on the web? smiley - erm) Lorien is correct.


I suppose I should relent on Lenwe too. I was looking for Denethor his Son but I guess Lenwe's people must be Nandor too - but I will check.

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 7

Titania (gone for lunch)

10. Almaren

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 8

Titania (gone for lunch)

4. adding Elrond

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 9

Titania (gone for lunch)

4. Círdan, Elrond, Galadriel

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 10

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hmmm... I guess question no.4 depends on how far back you want to?smiley - huh

5. Dagor Bragollach (The Battle of Sudden Flame)

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 11


You had that right before smiley - winkeye

Ring keepers still not right, although you have put all the names in various answers now, just not altogether

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 12


Oh, and Almaren is right.

Why is everyone saying Ar-Adunakhor? smiley - erm

To be fair, I went and checked that one and reread the Akallabeth this morning. It seems that that one may be an unfair question as there is no mention of a Civil War in that.
AS I said, these questions are from memory. If you read the Appendices on LOTR regarding the fall of Numenor it is said that there was 'strife and rebellion' in the reign of Tar Palantir which is the answer I was looking for.

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 13

Titania (gone for lunch)

4. Círdan, Gil-Galad and Galadriel?

How many have I left?

Titania's attempt at quiz 2

Post 14


Pretty much it.

I have given the answers as I see them seeing as some were a little dubious.

And there is a third quiz - possibly the last as I'm struggling for questions now.

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