A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard
theanthrope quiz 3
il viaggiatore Started conversation Dec 17, 2001
This is exceedingly difficult, but after much research i think i have it...
Which Steward of Gondor gave the keys of Orthanc to Saruman?
Who killed Scatha the Worm?
Billy the Robin
How did Beleg Strongbow meet his doom?
At a party thrown by a mutual acquaintance
Where was Andor?
southwestish from somewhere
Who are the bearers of the Sun and the Moon?
Who was the first of the Children of Illuvatar to die?
Finwe's first wife, wassname...
Name the sea of Mordor.
What was Anfauglith first named?
Morgoth left Angband three times during the War of the Jewels, what were the reasons?
sunday outings
How many Balrogs were there?
a whole bunch
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theanthrope quiz 3
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