A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard

This is really hard ...

Post 1


Which Steward of Gondor gave the keys of Orthanc to Saruman?
- Steward Beren.
Who killed Scatha the Worm?
- Fram (but I looked it up).
How did Beleg Strongbow meet his doom?
- Friendly fire, killed by Turin, can't remember where though.
Where was Andor?
- Another name for Numenor.
Who are the bearers of the Sun and the Moon?
- Two of the Maia, Arien and Tilion (but I had to look up this one to).
Who was the first of the Children of Illuvatar to die?
- Could this be Finwe? Killed by Melkor before the start of the first age.
Name the sea of Mordor.
- Nurnen.
What was Anfauglith first named?
- Ard-galen.
Morgoth left Angband three times during the War of the Jewels, what were the reasons?
- Ah well, looks like I'm going to have to re-read the books!
How many Balrogs were there?
- 8 (7 plus Gothmog), but there may have been others.

This is really hard ...

Post 2


"Morgoth left Angband three times during the War of the Jewels, what were the reasons?
- Ah well, looks like I'm going to have to re-read the books!"

I looked in the Silmarillion last night, under the Return of the Noldor and the description of the siege, but no dice. There were a couple of sallies mentioned but nothing involving Morgoth.

I guess I'm going to have to read all of it.

This is really hard ...

Post 3


7/10 up there.

There are two reasons that should be fairly famous and one, more obscure one.

This is really hard ...

Post 4


"Who was the first of the Children of Illuvatar to die?
- Could this be Finwe? Killed by Melkor before the start of the first age."

Okay so maybe Finwe was pretty late, how about Miriel, Finwe's wife and Feanor's mum? That would have been pretty early on.

I'll have to work on the reasons and try to figure out which other answer is wrong as well!


This is really hard ...

Post 5


Oops, missed that one.

*now* you have 7 out of 10 smiley - smiley

This is really hard ...

Post 6


*Slaps himself*

No I didn't miss it.

8/10 now.

This is really hard ...

Post 7


"Morgoth left Angband three times during the War of the Jewels, what were the reasons?"

First bout of serious research over and the conclusions are as follows:

Shortly after the Return of the Noldor, Morgoth captured Maedhros and hung him by his wrist from the towers of Thangorodrim, a feat which would require him to leave Angband.

Morgoth fought and slew Fingolfin outside the gates of Angband after the Dagor Bragollach.

And lastly I think Morgoth was involved in the chase of Beren and Luthien after Beren had taken the Silmaril from the Iron Crown (obviously I haven't read that far yet, but it seems right).

I assume for this question that the War of the Jewels covers the period from the theft of the Silmarils by Morgoth and their recovery in the War of Wrath. Since the War of Wrath was over and the Silmarils in the hands of Eonwe, Morgoth leaving Angband in chains wouldn't count (would it?).

As for the other question I got wrong, it can only (I hope!) be the count of Balrogs (8 was a guess only). I have checked up as best as I can through both the Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales. Neither actually gives a number, the closest you get is the consistent use of a plural and the identification of Gothmog. Gothmog is described in the fight with Feanor and one other Balrog gets a mention, who used its whip to restrain Feanor allowing Gothmog a killing stroke. There are other references to there being 'many Balrogs', but no actual number. Another source actually suggested the number 7, which actually seems quite likely, after all there were 7 Lords of the Valar, 7 Valier, etc.

So how am I doing now?

This is really hard ...

Post 8


7 is the correct number of Balrogs as I recall. The *many* was an early thing, he later drastically reduced their number.

The duel with Fingolfin is one reason he left Angband. As far as I know, only Balrogs were present at the capture of Maedhros so I don't count that.
He did emerge in the War of Wrath with the Winged Dragons as a last stroke.

One reason not mentioned at all as yet.

This is really hard ...

Post 9


Okay, I'll dig deeper, but it won't be today.

I'm off to the film tonight, so won't be reading anything more that the script on the One Ring!


This is really hard ...

Post 10


Me too smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

This is really hard ...

Post 11


Okay, I surrender.

I haven't got a clue on the last one and if I weren't so tired from writing http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A673283 last night I might even argue over Morgoth's appearance with the Winged Dragons. I was sure he was too scared to come out and if anything went even deeper into Angband rather than come out.

Fingolfin, no problemo, you don't much more definite than that.

So what is reason number 3? Any hints you'd care to drop?

This is really hard ...

Post 12


Care to fill in the answers now?

This is really hard ...

Post 13


Oops yeah sorry haven't been here for a while.

Actually you were right, he didn't come out with the winged dragons so my apologies there. So it was only twice.

The second reason was that he left Angaband secretly himself at the awakening of Men as he deemed this so important an event he himself should deal with it.

This is really hard ...

Post 14



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