A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard
Titania's attempt at quiz 3
Titania (gone for lunch) Started conversation Dec 17, 2001
Here we go again - need to check up some of the questions, will post answers to them later...
1. Beren
2. Fram
3. Túrin, and what a tragedy it was
4. The island of Númenor
5. Alien and Aure
6. -
7. Núrnen
8. Ard-galen
9. -
10. 7
Titania's attempt at quiz 3
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Dec 19, 2001
5. Arien and Tilion?
*grumble, grumble, frenetically trying to find the missing answers without having to read the books through again, would take too much time*
Titania's attempt at quiz 3
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Dec 19, 2001
*absentmindedly* Oh, by the way, Tolkien is still misspelt(sp?) in the last lines of this entry....
*desperately turning pages*
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Titania's attempt at quiz 3
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