A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard
Apollo tries Quiz 2
Apollo Started conversation Dec 16, 2001
1) A dwarf I think... Khim?
2) Radagast?
3) um.. Ar-Pharazon?
4) Elrond, Galadriel, Gil-Galad ?
wow.. this is a tough quiz
5) Nirnaeth Arnoediad
6) Beregond
7) Earendil
8) Fatty
9) Thingol
10) Valinor
heh... did I get any right?
Apollo tries Quiz 2
Orcus Posted Dec 17, 2001
Who was the first to claim the hoard of Nargothrond after the death of Glaurung?
Who is Irmo better known as?
During whose reign was there civil war in Numenor?
Who were the Keepers of the Three Rings prior to the Last Alliance?
Name the third battle of Beleriand.
Name the guard who defends Faramir from Denethor's madness in Return of the King.
Who was the grandfather of Anarion?
Who was involved in the conspiracy against Frodo in the Shire other than Sam, Pippin and Merry?
Who was king of the Nandor?
Where did Tulkas marry Nessa?
Only 2 and 2/3 out of 10 there, but yes, it is tough.
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Apollo tries Quiz 2
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