A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard

My attempt

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

Seeing as I only got 6/10 on the medium quiz, I'll try and do better on the hard one.

>Thorin Oakenshield

A river in Gondor flowing south from the White Mountains into the Bay of Belfalas

>Ecthelion of the Fountain
He fought in the fall of Gondolin
Turgon before he moved to Gondolin
Osgiliath - was it the Chamber of Stars?
Chamber of Marzipan, or was it Mazarbul?
>spouse of Nienna?
"Is", so she must be one of the valar. Let's guess Aule.
>What was the name of the last King of Arthedain?
Arvedui Last King
>Translate Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Unnumbered Tears

My attempt

Post 2


A river in Gondor flowing south from the White Mountains into the Bay of Belfalas

smiley - erm

Did you look this up? It's not the answer I'm looking for but if that's true then I'll certainly accept it as an answer.

Other than that... 5 1/2 smiley - smiley

1/2 because one answer does not contain all the information I want

Good score though. Anything over 5 here shows very good knowledge of Tolkien's work I reckon.

smiley - cheers


My attempt

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

I didn't look it up. But I have done now and I'm wrong. Ringlo was the name of the river I have described.

My attempt

Post 4


Fair enough, there is actually two alternative answers but I suspect the other is one lost in serious Tolkien obscurity.
Apparently Ringil was the Pillar of the Lamp Illuin but this may have changed seeing as I looked this up in The Shaping of Middle Earth (Lost Tales IV) this morning. smiley - winkeye

Correct answer is still awaiting then - although someone else is close...

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