A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard
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Apollo Started conversation Dec 12, 2001
1)I have no idea, probably during the orc war.
2)The sword that glittered like ice...I believe it was Finrod Felagund's?
3)He slew Gothmog at Gondolin.
4)umm.. Turin?
5)The master stone was at Tol Eressea.
6)The chamber of Mazurbal
7)oh. I should know this. I'm thinking Tulkas, but that isn't right.
8 ) Don't remember
10)The Battle of Unnumbered Tears (I think)
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Orcus Posted Dec 13, 2001
On rereading I've been a bit harsh there, only three are definitely wrong, more (or more correct) information is required in some though.
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