A Conversation for Tolkien Quiz - Hard
Titania's attempt
Titania (gone for lunch) Started conversation Dec 13, 2001
1. He was disarmed in the battle of Azanulbizar and instead used an oak-branch as shield and club
2. The sword of Fingolfin
3. He killed Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs, but was killed himself too
4. Turgon
5. Osgiliath
6. Mazarbul
7. Spouse? Nienna? I thought she didn't have one? Got to make a renewed attempt of actually reading Silmarillion right through
8. Arvedui
9. Nauglamír
10. Tears Unnumbered
Titania's attempt
Orcus Posted Dec 13, 2001
9/10 there
You even got the trick question
The one you got wrong is probably the hardest of the lot I reckon.
Well played!
Titania's attempt
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Dec 13, 2001
Thank you - but how frustrating!
Hmmmmm.... and you won't tell me which one, eh?
5. Aman
Titania's attempt
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Dec 14, 2001
Darn... OK, yet an attempt...
5. Avallónë, Tol Eressea
Titania's attempt
Orcus Posted Dec 14, 2001
Indeed, I thought that one might stump people. The Palantir were made by the hand of Feanor and were given to the Faithful in Numenor by the Elves of Tol Erresea after the estrangement of Numenor and the Lonely Isle. The master stone still dwells there
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Titania's attempt
- 1: Titania (gone for lunch) (Dec 13, 2001)
- 2: Orcus (Dec 13, 2001)
- 3: Titania (gone for lunch) (Dec 13, 2001)
- 4: Orcus (Dec 13, 2001)
- 5: Titania (gone for lunch) (Dec 13, 2001)
- 6: Orcus (Dec 14, 2001)
- 7: Titania (gone for lunch) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 8: Orcus (Dec 14, 2001)
- 9: Titania (gone for lunch) (Dec 14, 2001)
- 10: Orcus (Dec 14, 2001)
- 11: Titania (gone for lunch) (Dec 14, 2001)
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