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5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 41


Thanks for letting us have a forum on h2g2 where we can discuss the election.

Does anyone think we need an Edited Guide Entry on The Representation of the People Act, so that non-UKians will know what is going on?

Actually I think this is probably a good thing for Non-UKians on h2g2, it means that they can avoid being bored with details of the UK elections.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 42

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Harrumph. Why should they have all the luck?

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 43


Count yourself lucky! At least on h2g2 you'll have some election free conversation.

I have to say I'm impressed with the conversation already on the election page, the quality of the debate so far seems great.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 44

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Sadly, my only intellectual conversation over there involved bitching about the spelling of "spamming"... smiley - blush

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 45

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Fear not Peet! I'll let you talk endlessly about our elections when they happen and we all know we can talk about US elections any time!

smiley - biggrin

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 46


As long as we don't cuss or curse the candidates - new rules.

Are UK politics really boring. From some of the stories I read I thought they could be fairly exciting.

Keeping an eye out but still staying Ziiiiped. (mostly)

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 47

RFJS__ - trying to write an unreadable book, finding proofreading tricky

'Are UK politics really boring.'

Like a lot of things, it takes a particular kind of mind...

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 48

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

...or no mind at all. smiley - online2long

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 49

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

It's more interesting than Irish politics. All our parties are the exact same.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 50



Any thing like our parties - drinking and dancing on tables?

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 51

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

>>Any thing like our parties - drinking and dancing on tables?<<

We're Irish. smiley - erm

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 52


crazy, so the BBC are impartial, but the contributors don't work for the beeb, so why can't we express our views about individual politicians, crazy, don't worry, I am sure points will be made with careful wording. For instance, I intend to vote for a Party that is truthful, whose leader would never lie to the country about real big world issues, a leader who is sincere. Not much choice have we. So I have not named a politician or party but everone knows the truth.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 53


Er, we can.

Just on a specific page.

smiley - doh

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 54

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

"For instance, I intend to vote for a Party that is truthful, whose leader would never lie to the country about real big world issues, a leader who is sincere. Not much choice have we. So I have not named a politician or party but everone knows the truth."

smiley - huh You are not talking about "Fake Tan Man" are you? God I hope not.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 55

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


smiley - erm

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 56


I second the words of the good Reverend Jack Russell.


smiley - silly

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 57



Well duh! What was I thinking.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 58


<<"For instance, I intend to vote for a Party that is truthful, whose leader would never lie to the country about real big world issues, a leader who is sincere. Not much choice have we. So I have not named a politician or party but everone knows the truth.">>..

Golly, sure wish we had such a party and such a person. When he wins could you have him come over and shake hands with our politicians. Maybe some of it would rub off and we could get at least one honest man.

By the way, What do they mean when they say not to start a new thread here?

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 59


Hey, thanks. This is seriously a step up from "The Great Debate" forum. Hope this goes well and eventually political statements can be made anywhere on h2g2 at any time.

smiley - cheers


5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 60


It is so good that people still have dreams and hope. But better cut back on thesmiley - bubbly.

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