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5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 61

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Be careful how you cut back on the smiley - bubbly! If you cut from ther bottom of the glass, the bubbly will leak out. smiley - sadface

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 62

Demon Drawer

I could work on an entry on the representation of people act after May 6.

I recieved my first briefing last night from my local returning officer, by all accounts one of the most organised and knowledgeable in the country. He gave a very further briefing to those that bothered to turn up which was the majority of candidates and agents.

So the ball is well and truely running.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 63

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

i think its going to be a nice day for the election voting!

smiley - winkeye

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 64


On a different note......... ( I gotta mention this, as I discovered it recently)

Listen, if you wear glasses, have you ever worn them on the tip of your nose............if you do it for long enough, and frequently, I guarantee that you will enjoy it. Also I think u will like your look in the mirror.

Back 2 the poit:

I am dismayed by the corruption in postal voting........and what has been done anout it????????

The Joyikasmiley - teasmiley - cake

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 65

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Who is this General Election person anyway? Has he done anything about those problems with Major Disappointment and Corporal Punishment? smiley - winkeye

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 66

Post Team

No - because General Apathy has turned up... smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 67

Demon Drawer

Actually Shazz General Election has yet to sucumb totally to General Apathy there was still a 59% turnout in 2001 mainly because everyone knew the result. I expect a higher turn out this time as it is not so clear cut as to what will happen.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 68

Post Team

I was replying in a light-hearted manner to post 65 actually... nothing more.

shazz smiley - thepost

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 69

Demon Drawer

Surely I'm in GE mode getting the facts straight. Trust be a major thrust don't you know.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 70


I heard that Major Disappointment was a close friend to General Apathy, but that Corporal Punishment kind of flip flops between General Elecion and General Apathy, dependin upon General Mood's swing. Or is there more to the story?

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 71

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

nope nothing more to this story

cus its about as funny as Peter Kay

smiley - tongueout

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 72

bedmechanic keeper of the tongue in cheek and guardian of the empty wallet

I still think we should vote "real" commedians in to high office instead of the amatuers we've got.

That way we can all have a laugh as the country goes down the pan.

smiley - laughsmiley - tongueout

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 73

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

right down the pan, do you think that Mr Crapper has a plan to rid this country of all stools oops "polotitions" out of the country
smiley - winkeye

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 74


The votigs rigged I tell u...........who care anyway, the country's going downhill anyway. V. soon, it will be the U.K. that is a Third world country.........hell, India and China have already taken over us anyways in lifestyle + industry.
Our NHS is run by foreign doctors too.........which is a good thing, coz the homegrown talent is scary. The roads are full of foreign cars too..........v. good I say

I say lets all dance + let the rest of the world come + take over + run this place. Put your glasses on the tip of your nose + dance. Yeeehah.

The Joyikasmiley - cakesmiley - chocsmiley - run

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 75

bedmechanic keeper of the tongue in cheek and guardian of the empty wallet

You would think in a country where the population has increased (workforce as well as nonworkforce).The percentage of capital earned per head is on the increase. The "savings" afforded by farming out a lot of the goverment departmental works to "private" contractors and the "low" figures on the dole queue, that the percentage of the money you earn paid in taxes would be lower than previously paid.

Now you might say that basic income tax has gone down.
Well yes in the tenty six years I've been working it's gone down from 30% to 22%.
But then VAT has gone up from 15% to 17.5%
National insurance hasn't moved (which is actualy an increase)which pays for a government pension that we probably won't be entitled to.
Duty paid on fuel has gone through the roof.
Road fund licence is on the up (how much actually pays for the roads).
Council tax has just gone up.
Not to mention a lot of backdoor taxes that I can't even think of right now.
It seems to me I'm paying a lot more of a percentage of my wages in tax these days than ever before.

smiley - sorry
Just thought I'd put things into perspective before you go down to the poling station thinking "that nice man is going to reduce taxes".
He might reduce the more obvious ones but will only increase the less obvious taxes.

I think a little less taxation in a real sence would lift this countries spirits.

It would certainly lift minesmiley - biggrin

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 76


Hey, hey hey Baby i got yo money, don't u worry heh heh..........

If the country spent less money on wars that don't concern it + more on British Industry then perhaps the Rover plant wouldn't be up da swanny. The U.K. must be the only cpuntry that cannot produce a car in volume amounts..........now we are asking the Chinese for help.

If I was Chinese I would be laughing...........

The Great in Great Britain has gone........yeah. We is all slaves to the rest of da world. Forget the war, concentrate on the mess at home


The Joyikasmiley - cheerssmiley - chocsmiley - kiss

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 77

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

we can't produce anything in this country except memos and middle management B$, the emount of money wasted is terrible

White Elephants are,

Millium dome
motorways (never built with large enought capaisity)
Local councils (look at the bath spa)
any manufacturing that requires investment (cus were a nation of profit taking twats)
education system

i'll be adding to this list later

ooooOOOooo and of course Rover cars, right then the fact that this country has been plowing money in to this company for years, still astounds me, they can't even produce something we want to buy (as we all know the product is not good to say the least) and when BMW took over they were wondering why we never bought the product, so they produced the new mini and it sold! something we wanted to buy at last a BMW Mini, ahhh the joys of motering, and buy the way i've worked on the long bolt K-series engine with all the fondness of having my teeth pulled by a woman with PMT!


5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 78


I love the swingometer game smiley - winkeye

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 79



I would ask at what percentage of the population increase is the workforce and the same for the nonworkforce?

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 80

bedmechanic keeper of the tongue in cheek and guardian of the empty wallet

I would ask at what percentage of the population increase is the workforce and the same for the nonworkforce?

If you believe the government the non working population on the dole queue is lower than ever. While those on the sick are slightly higher.
Which probably evens things out on that score.

As the general population is on the increase this must mean that there must be a higher percentage of the population at work than there has been in the past.

Athough the people on training schemes paid for by the government(there seems to be lots of them going from one scheme to another never getting propper employment)don't seem to be listed as out of work.Which probably makes the previous statement a load of old tush.

Time for a nice stress relieving smiley - tea

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