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5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 81

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Thank heavens for tea, right? The Chinese and Indians are still generous enough to grow it and sell it to you. smiley - winkeye

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 82

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - cool

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 83


I'll smiley - cheers to that!smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - cheers

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 84


Wattaray Bro

Yeah baby................The Labour government will say things like it's providing for families+ older peeps, improving schools + education + increasing da no. of walk in centres for da NHS.

Bravo, you have achieved a good con trick. The people pay more taxes now, British Education dot exist ( e.g. this is the only country where most people speak 1 language, if that), and I don't see any difference in the health service. Violence in A+E depts is up, GPs are opting out of unsocial hours ( who can blame them).

Hooooooooooyah. I dot personally think the other partays can do better, but it mite be worth giving dem a try.

I'm a gonna try ma new dance, acha

The Joyikasmiley - kisssmiley - smoochsmiley - oksmiley - chocsmiley - ale

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 85

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

does it really matter??

soon we will not be able to live here!

can't afford a house!

can't afford to be not healthy

can't afford to take time off work

so who is going to work then!

so who is going to pay for all those on welfare!

and we don't even have nice weather!

smiley - erm

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 86


Wattare Bro
It matta babay...........we on dis island is da light, and the rest of the world is in darkness. We have to show dem da way to do it.......or more realistically not the way to do it.

Have no fear, things will not worsen..........individual institutions will run as best they can, wit or witout the help of the government. Personally I feel sorry for the Rover lot.........but hey, watta can u do.

Why change anythig.........

Da Joyikasmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - run

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 87

Not him

for case study in most of the above, see france...

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 88


Hey Hey hey, babay I got yo money, dot u worry, heh heh.........

Sorry, there's a partay in ma mind. It's votig time soon, rite........so c'mon. Is u left or rite........I say we keep Tony boy in........yeah.

The country would do better if the armed services pulled out of Iraq........we need em at home God damn it, not wit da Arabs

It's all about Black gold, Texas tea, Oil babay.......nothig more. Iraq is an American colony + Britain helped make it so. Yeah........cool Britania babay.

God is on our side, (da Bible is in English). C'mon up the reds

Da Joyika

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 89

Not him

"(da Bible is in English)"

see non-english version.

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 90

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

I saw in my TV guide that 'Have I Got News For You' will be back on friday, and they will obviously be making jokes about the general election. So how come they're allowed to do it on prime time TV, yet we're not allowed to continue our Boris Johnson fan club?

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 91

The H2G2 Editors

Probably because, like in previous years when HIGNFY has been screened during election campaigns, each episode will be scrutinised, pored over and dissected by teams of BBC lawyers to ensure that an equal amount of flak is fired at each of the parties and their leaders before every episode can be broadcast.

Sadly, h2g2 doesn't have such a big team of legal experts to check and double check every point and comment made by our users. That's why we've had to go into special Election Conditions until 5th May. To be honest, we're pretty chuffed with how responsibly the vast majority of our users are being under the circumstances! smiley - smiley

The h2g2 Editors

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 92

GodBen (The Magical Astronomer) - 00000011

Sure, when celebrities want to make political jokes they're given a prime time TV show. But when the common man wants to they're deleted. smiley - wah

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 93


Acha acha acha........

Thr Greens watta build windmills on most of the tall buildings in England........to harness da wind powers. The conservatives r makig a big thig about immigration--------but can they really do anything Labour hasn't already tried, c'mon me no thik so.

The Lib dems are bothered about the Kennedy babay..........yeah, probably the only good thing to come oout of the election.

I say make way 4 da Enviroment.........it's v importat babays.

The Joyika

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 94

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

they would do better if the utlised all the hot air coming out of the building, oooOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOOooooo i've gone all serious! AGGAHAHAHHAHAHGAGGGAGAGAGGAAHHHHHHHHAGAH

smiley - wah

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 95

bedmechanic keeper of the tongue in cheek and guardian of the empty wallet

They could always harness all the "verbal methane" energy comming out of the house of commons.

Lets face it there is plenty of it.smiley - laugh

There would be no need for windmills.smiley - laughsmiley - rofl

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 96

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - rofl

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 97

Not him

verbal methane?

a load of old farts!

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 98

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - rofl

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 99


Wattaray Bro

Postal Votig has it's downside + the goverment is in crisis. MG Rover are goig downhill fast - if u r one of da unlucky ones dat drive a Rover........oh dear.........yo car is worth as much as a pair of rollerskates.

Do ex Pats get 2 vote????????

Da Joyikasmiley - biggrinsmiley - sadface

5 April, 2005: h2g2 and the 2005 UK General Election

Post 100

bedmechanic keeper of the tongue in cheek and guardian of the empty wallet

verbal methane?

I was trying not to swear

How about verbal bulls droppingssmiley - rofl

hot air just seems too mildsmiley - biggrin

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