A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 121

Crazy Man

Anyone knows where I can get the CDs of the radio series from (I live in TX)....just I've been lookin in quite a few places, and have yet to find them...?

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 122

Jim Lynn

Amazon.com do the MP3 collection, but the reviews aren't kind about the sound quality. You might be able to order the CDs from the UK and pay for the extra shipping. They shouldn't be hard to find as they've been 'in print' for ages.

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 123


"You might be able to order the CDs from the UK and pay for the extra shipping. They shouldn't be hard to find as they've been 'in print' for ages."

Unfortunately, the beeb shop is unable to supply stuff outside Europe.
has h2g2 in its catalogue - but it's not working at the time of typing.

Hope you have better luck.

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 124

Crazy Man

Well, I am orioginally from the UK and still have family there....so I might be able to sort summat out....thanks to you both smiley - smiley

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 125

Crazy Man

Well, I am originally from the UK and still have family there....so I might be able to sort summat out....thanks to you both smiley - smiley

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 126

C Hawke

The seller I bought my set from on ebay (uk site) is called strawsaw - his/her items are only listed as UK/Europe, and currently they are not showing any radio series, but their past sales show several (last one sold last week for £32) but it may be worth while contacting them to see if they will post to the US

Sorry, I would post some URLs but not sure if they would be allowed here.


21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 127


"Sorry, I would post some URLs but not sure if they would be allowed here."

I forgot about that!

Could anyone *really* object in this case - to obtain the source of all that we survey?

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 128

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Some retail outlets in NA have BBC products. I got my copies of Red Dwarf in NTSC DVD from here: http://www.absound.ca/SearchProductListing.aspx?ProdType=DVD&SearchKeyword=red+dwarf
But of course nothing showed up for hootoo.

Incidentally the Vancouver store was listed by the NY Times as the cheapest place to buy (legal) CDs in the world.

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 129

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Radio 4 should totally replay the old ones before releasing the new ones... only seems fair... would garner a whole new fan base too...

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 130

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

They're all online at KCRW.com - see my previous link... smiley - cool

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 131

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

smiley - hug for Peet! Listening to it now... whoot!!! smiley - oksmiley - cheers

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 132


what great news. DNA recorded his part before he sadly went to the great mouse hole in a paralel dimention.

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 133


Thanks for the link Peet smiley - ok

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 134

Domasion Ragor

Yippee! I'll buy a new towel!!! 42 new towels!!!

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 135

Researcher 208309

Good news indeedy smiley - magic. Just before The Archers - on a Tuesday. Couldn't be better - unless it was on a Wednesday, but it's marginal. Fits in well with my working week smiley - biggrin. September's a long way off though, hope I remember...smiley - cheers

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 136

Wildman - I'm not really mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!

Should maybe have a countdown on the front page? - Or EVERY page smiley - grovel.

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 137

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit searching WEB radio
"Let us just keep this thread alive until then.
And post the addresses, by the time the broadcasting starts."

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 138

You can call me TC

I've programmed it into my mobile, so I get bleeped in time to go home and listen in peace.

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 139

Researcher 208309

Was William Franklyn the guy what used to do the Schweppes ads? Not that I watch commercial TV, you understand smiley - biggrin.

21 June 2004: New Hitchhiker Radio Series to Air Autumn 2004

Post 140


Heaven forbid! None of us here at h2g2 Towers EVER watch any commercial television. It's a sacking offence! smiley - whistle

And yes, William Franklyn was indeed the "Sch...." man.


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