A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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13 october - New Registration

Post 201

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

It was frightening last night - it got as low as only 7 researchers online. We could have wrecked the place, all that space, no-one to talk too.

Only the occasional wail from Grey Desk to break the silence...

13 october - New Registration

Post 202

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Did he stamp his feet as well? Because I'm sure I could hear something like that when I was at home last night smiley - winkeye

13 october - New Registration

Post 203

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

I went back to my space only to find I'm not here again smiley - wah

I just keep going round in circles and not going anywhere smiley - erm except here......

oh well

More smiley - ale anyone

13 october - New Registration

Post 204


What a complete load of smiley - bleep H2G2 is at the moment. Talk about disappearing up somewhere dark.

Everytime I try to post a message I suddenly find that I'm not logged on, even though I am. It takes an age to log on initially - it's always telling me there's an error or that I pressed the "back" buttons when I didn't. Swine.

Why oh why did they have to change it? smiley - grr

13 october - New Registration

Post 205


I keep being called Unknown Hiker!

I expect it will all get sorted out in due time.

13 october - New Registration

Post 206


Yes. Patience is now the number one H2G2 virtue.

13 october - New Registration

Post 207

chawke (real one at U91473)

Yay!! Jims online - over here!!! Help loads of lost people.

Seriously - take it easy if you get here - those that survived Rupert can survive a day or so with a different U number and other teething problems.

CHawke U91473

13 october - New Registration

Post 208

arwen, doing nasty essays. being a student should *not* involve work!

yeah, it keeps logging me out aswell, is not v nice. and whats the thing by the convos to say how many new posts? mine isn't even accurate, and it says one new post when its mine, so i get all excited, and no-one's even replied!

13 october - New Registration

Post 209


Has anyone had a look at the plain skin? It looks just terrible today.

The login banner thing is looking for some pictures that it just can't find, and so we've got horrible unfound picture X box things. Nasty.

The nice font the plain skin used has disappeared as well.


13 october - New Registration

Post 210

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Plain skin seems to have lost its default style sheet. You can put it in manually by pasting http://www.h2g2.com/h2g2/skins/style.css into the box provided.

However, every time the system temporarily forgets who you are the stylesheet will disappear again. Pressing the refresh button usually sorts it for a while.

smiley - ant

13 october - New Registration

Post 211


Ah, that's much better. Thanks Amy!smiley - ok

It still can't find those pictures though. Guess I'll have to live with that.


13 october - New Registration

Post 212

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

No doubt the missing buttons will make an appearance eventually. I suspect Plain isn't a priority.

It would be nice if they could tidy up the migration screens for Plain though. Nearly all the digibox people will be presented with that and it is a bit frightening what with the messed-up layout, missing buttons and multiple error messages. smiley - erm

13 october - New Registration

Post 213

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

13 october - New Registration

Post 214


Yeah, the plain migration screen are quite ugly.

I ended up switching to Goo and trying again.


13 october - New Registration

Post 215

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Yes, I switched to Brunel smiley - smiley. But digibox users don't have the luxury of being able to edit the URL in the address bar.

13 october - New Registration

Post 216

the third man(temporary armistice)n strike)

I don't know if anyone else has this problem. But at work we are allowed a number of freebies and the BBC site is one of them. We can basically whizz in and out all day no problem, the status of the beeb site has not changed but to get to hootoo we now have to 'log-in' which alerts system control who then keep an eye on how long you are on.
Very annoying, better go - the clock is runningsmiley - run

13 october - New Registration

Post 217

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I can not post at <./>/dna/hub</.>

13 october - New Registration

Post 218


Pheloxi - that's actually one of the occasions you've _got_ to go through the wierd registration procedure again... the first time you try to post to a new site it wants you to agree to _their_ terms and conditions... after that you should have no problems...

(Famous last words)

13 october - New Registration

Post 219


I don't mind this login banner at the moment, because it tells me whether I am logged in or not (I'm at the stage where it alternates between in and out). But lets have it phased out, keep it for maybe two weeks, then let it diappear.

People on H2G2 may occasionally have an identity crisis, but we still don't need a bar telling us who we are every ten seconds!

13 october - New Registration

Post 220


I don't mind this login banner at the moment, because it tells me whether I am logged in or not (I'm at the stage where it alternates between in and out). But lets have it phased out, keep it for maybe two weeks, then let it disappear.

People on H2G2 may occasionally have an identity crisis, but we still don't need a bar telling us who we are every ten seconds!

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