A Conversation for Talking Point: 11 September, 2001

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 241


I already expressed my condolences ... but allow me to do so again. The tragedy is still very far from over, so I feel a need to renew my support so that people will know I'm not forgetting them.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 242

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

My condolences are for all of us who have already been affected as well as for all of us who are going to be affected as the violence reverberates through the world.

I wish everyone could remember that we're all human beings, and that violence doesn't resolve differences. It merely reduces us, as a human race, to something less than we all have the potential to be.

smiley - rose

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 243


I would like to express my condolences. There is never a need for such loss of life such as that terrible incident. I hope that some light shines out of the darkness not just for the many people who have lost friends or relatives but for the entire world and its future.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 244


Again, I want to say how sorry I was to see this terrible atrocity, I can never say sorry enough. For those affected directly please accept my sincerist sympathies. For everyone, we've experienced a lot of pain and disbelief, hopefully we can support each other in this, and learn more about each other. If we understand our differences then maybe we can learn to tolerate each other without violence.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 245

White Hart

There is nothing to say that hasn't already been said. Those who planned and carried this out were evil and this act strikes at all decent human beings whatever their nationality and religion. I only hope that enough sanity prevails in the world to prevent the coming of even darker days.

As someone who until yesterday was waiting for news of a friend (thankfully safe and well), my heart goes out to all those who are still waiting, or for whom the news meant the end of hope. My deepest symapthies go out to the people whose lives have been touched by this horrific event.


h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 246


Can we all just forget about this Nostradamus, end of the world rubbish please and remember those who are suffering at the moment.

God be with them all.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 247

Simon, Wholly Harmless

Deepest sympathy to all who lost loved ones in the horror of the last week.

I Hope that this is not the beginning of WWIII and that Sollog (or whoever) and Nostradamus are just coincidental "band wagon jumpers". I hope that more innocents do not die and that in particular, Moslems and other ethnic minorities in the USA, UK or anywhere else are not victimised (anymore than they might be already anyway). I would also like to mention that there are many people throughout the world who have already or are even now, going through this kind of horror. We in the West, just don't get to hear about it. I would like to think that we might share a little bit of sympathy with them a bit more now.

I am scared and I fear for the future, but I have hope and humour and I hope that others still have that too (especially our leaders).


h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 248

Lady of the Lake {A friend to all, a lover of none}

my thoughts are with everyone everywhere waiting for, or having recieved news.

I just pray that this dreadful act of carnage might act as a reminder to everyone in the future, that war and terrorism are not the answer and that our children don't, in the future, have to go through what we are going through now.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 249


Sympathy to everyone caught up in acts of terrorism, not only in America, but throughout the world

God Bless (whoever your God is)

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 250

Dorothy Outta Kansas

As MoGgie said, this is not only for victims past but for victims future. I haven't had a fear-free minute since Tuesday, and I know I'm not the only one.

This is the first time I've looked forwards with utter dread. I know humanity isn't split by religion, I just hope humanity finds out before worse happens. I just hope tomorrow brings peace.

x x Fenny smiley - cry

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 251

Martin Harper

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 252

Researcher 184923

Such human tragedy is barely believable I hope and pray that any
retaliation is controlled and not just a mad rush in public relations but is well thought through for the continuing bid for world peace.

Malcolm Ballinger and Lenora Keeter

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 253

Chris M

In the interests of those affected

http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A632314smiley - hug

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 254


Appalled, saddened, depressed. Every day some new tiny detail brings tears to my eyes.

Andrew Wixon

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 255

Researcher 168715

H2G2, standing as it does as a testament to global co-operation and friendliness, represents the spirit that shall defeat these despicable individuals who spread terror.
Condolences, prayers and many sad thoughts..
Big Joe ( temporarily nameless )

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 256

motiak ( journeyman )

Wnen reality strikes, it usually punishes the innocent. We must never forget to love and to dream well.
My thoughts are with ALL who suffered, whatever creed or nationality.
Your God bless.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 257


Now for the third time I want to say that here in South Africa I am thinking of everybody there in the USA, and everybody else around the world who have been affected. I wish you infinite strength, wisdom and courage to repair your lives, your country, and I send to you my love and the wish that love should fill all your hearts and hold you together and protect you from any more hate and suffering. You are all in my prayers - I pray that God will bless, protect and guide you from here on forward.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 258


I have found it very hard to write anything over the past few days because at times as dreadful as this, words can seem useless.

But they're not. As the immediate, numbing shock passes and healing begins, words can bring comfort and help understanding. It is so good to have a place like h2g2 to go to: a place where people of goodwill from around this small planet meet.

We're all affected by this week's horror, but my deepest sympathy goes out to those who have lost loved ones, or who are still desperately waiting for news.

There has been so much suffering already. May this appalling episode in the history of our species come to an end with as little further suffering as humanly possible.

Peace to us all. smiley - rose

David Jennings, Bradford, UK.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 259

The Moderately Strange Cornice

To all those who have lost friends and relatives, of every nationality and faith.

You are in my thoughts and my prayers. I pray that such an awful tragedy may never happen again.

Simon Roughneen, Liverpool, UK.

h2g2 Book of Condolence

Post 260

Arthur Dent

I've been fortunate so far, I don't know any of the dead or known missing personally. I, too would like to extend my condolences to those who are now suffering far more deeply than I can even imagine.

I'd also like to thank all of you, and all those around the world who have been providing us all strength with their tears, flowers, and posts. Trinity's Child expressed doubt that any good could come of this tragedy. Indeed, it already is! Can't you see, this is bringing the people of the United States together, and more importantly it's bringing the PLANET together! Britain's PM, Tony Blair, expressed this very nicely -- this was an act of war on the ENTIRE CIVILIZED WORLD! In nations which are on poor terms with, or even HATE the US (Iran and Afghanistan and Cuba and China all come to mind), people are HORRIFIED by what these people, blinded apparently by a misguided understanding of God's will, have done!

Thanks, again, all of you!

-Dent smiley - cry

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