
Home at last!

smiley - In 1978 a very good friend gave me some tapes. He knew I'd appreciate them, and indeed they changed my life. It seems that some radio station in the US was broadcasting a new BBC radio show called "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". My friend, knowingly violating all sorts of laws, recorded these broadcasts, and when he had a fairly complete set of episodes (about four 90-minute cassettes if I recall) he passed them on to me. I'd still have them, but apparently when you let someone borrow your HHG they conclude that the Guide is more valuable than your friendship and they vanish from your life. (In hindsight, I wish I'd given the tapes to people I did NOT like.)

That was then. Since then I've played the computer game, watched some of the TV show episodes, and read ALL the HHG books, as well as "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency". As I'm sure is true of most of those reading this, I've come to deeply appreciate Doug Adams' wit and philosophy.

This is now. I just learned (from the 14 May edition of Dave Winer's newsletter) about Doug Adams' passing. Shock, that he's gone. Shame, that it took me so long to find out that I might just as well have been vacationing in Krikket and heard of it sooner. Guilt, that as much as I admire his work, I hadn't bothered to take advantage of the Internet to connect with like-minded people who know what a babelfish does.

And then... GLEE when I discovered that prior to his leaving us, Adams had helped to reincarnate the Hitchhiker's Guide right here!!! Not only do we have h2g2, but indeed I have the opportunity to contribute to it!!!

So now I'm an h2g2 Researcher!!! I HAVE A JOB!!! I look forward to finding useful information, I look forward to entertaining others, I look forward to helping to carry on Adams' legacy! Now I suppose I better look around a bit to determine where my background and experiences might best be focused.


[Worcester, Massachusetts, USA 26 July 2001]


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Arthur Dent

Researcher U181338


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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