This is the Message Centre for Arthur Dent


Post 1

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Hello Arthur Dent. smiley - smiley

I must be the exception to the rule, I was the friend who had the CD's lent to him, but copied them to tape and very graciously gave them back. smiley - erm

Well so anyway, I thought I'd just pop by and say "Hi"

"Hi" smiley - smiley - there said it. smiley - winkeye

Just like Feisor I am one of the ACE's here at H2G2. ACE stands for Assistant Community Editor. We are the official Meeters and Greeters of this wonderful site and try to be nice a friendly and appear knowledgeable about stuff. We flit from space to space and welcome people to this great on-line community. smiley - ok

If you are wondering how to draw those little smiley faces that you occasionally see people employing in conversations. This site has loads of 'em and you can find out all about how to use them in conversations like this on by clicking on this smiley face ----> smiley - smiley

There is a very nice welcome message here written by the staff who run the site - fondly known as The Italicssmiley - cheerup because there names all appear in bold italicised font - they're lovelysmiley - smiley

To start you off is a pretty much exhaustive (guide within a guide ) to all of the clubs and sillyness that Researchers (regularly) indulge in. There are many, many different conversations being had here so try doing some investingating (or Lurking smiley - footprints as it is known here on-site) and you can join in by cliking the Discuss Entry button to start up a brand new conversation or if you want to reply to a message in pre-existing conversation just hit the Reply button (9/10 the button doesn't hit back! ) at the end of the appropriate posting.

To see where the community is talking hosts a comprehensive list.
A good place to start there is - here you can post a question about more-or-less anything (The meaning of words, The meaning of Life!, Synysthesia or even the lyrics to The Elements! ) or where you really can learn a new thing every day!

These are forums where you can engage with the rest of the community. The forums form one half of the site, they are were reseachers meet and chat. Forums stem from particular Guide Entries writtten by researchers (for instance the askh2g2 forums all stem from a page setup by the staff who run this site The best part is, you get to write your own articles otherwise known as Guide Entries and have other people talk about them!) Guide Entries can also be about anything at all. If you have an interst in diverse a topics as ballet, car mechanics, advanced quantum physics or the daily difficulties of trying to naviagte the London Tube System now is you chance to flex your writing muscles and put finger to keyboard.

The site supports two methods of writing in Guide Entries. You can use either Plain Text or if you want to make a page look special you can use a specialised code system called GuideML. It is terribly simple to use (I've never even touched computer code and I can use GuideML, so you can too! ) A really helpful place to start then is the GuideML Clinic, which can be found here: It explains the basic structure of GuideML, how to use it and is the best place to go, if you need any help or get stuck using it. You personal Space counts as a guide entry and can also be created using GuideML.

There is plenty of help to get you started, and also
there is the Peer Review System that lets researcher help each other out in puting the final finishing touches to their articles. - geek

If you are stuck for anything else smiley - huh you could try first checking the Don't Panic! Help Pages: or if you fancy it come and talk to the rest of the ACES here: - we are a friendly
bunch, always ready with thesmiley - tea and smiley - hugs

If you want to reply to this message you can by clicking on the reply button in the corner, I will know if you do because my page dispalys a record of all conversations I have taken part in and have replies to. If you want to stop by my page as well, you are
more than welcome. I am here:

smiley - wow Welcome to H2G2.smiley - wow
Enjoy, reading, taking part in and contributing to The Real Life Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy [ Earth Edition ].

See you around.

Clive. smiley - biggrin

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