A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods
The Plains of Asgard
chromecoveredclone Posted Sep 8, 2005
you know if you don't start with the blood and guts and stuff i'll have to move things along! i have a buyrate to look out for here!
The Plains of Asgard
Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon Posted Sep 8, 2005
*is ignorant of what the 'God' has just said*
The Plains of Asgard
chromecoveredclone Posted Sep 8, 2005
if people tune out, you'll get less money from when you beat Deakie!
*morphs into Deakie, punts the meditating Ferret up the bum, runs behind a rock, morphs back*
did you see what Deakie did?!
The Plains of Asgard
Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon Posted Sep 8, 2005
*using the power of his mind, lifts the rock, and drops it on C's head*
The Plains of Asgard
chromecoveredclone Posted Sep 8, 2005
*as Ferret has his eyes closed he doesn't realise the rock is only 3 inches long*
*s a pink bow around BF*
got to make you pretty for the cameras.
The Plains of Asgard
Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon Posted Sep 9, 2005
The Plains of Asgard
chromecoveredclone Posted Sep 9, 2005
*catches the snake and pulls it straight,pulls out a bow and uses the snake as an arrow, aims and hits the target dead centre. Deakie howls in pain as the snake bites her bum. hides bow as Deakie turns*
BF did it, was his ribbon.
The Plains of Asgard
chromecoveredclone Posted Sep 9, 2005
Deakie! this id for Pay Per View! you could be a star!
and BF said you smell.
The Plains of Asgard
Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon Posted Sep 9, 2005
The Plains of Asgard
chromecoveredclone Posted Sep 9, 2005
then this is an open challenge to anyone who wishes a battle. otherwise i have to pay backt eh broadcasting guys!
The Plains of Asgard
Dea.. - call me Mrs B! Posted Sep 9, 2005
Too late, Ducks already spent the advance you got!
A bankrupt God? Now there's a concept!
The Plains of Asgard
chromecoveredclone Posted Sep 9, 2005
i'll just <magic them some money, or smite them. no worries.
still spoiling for a fight tho.
The Plains of Asgard
Aximili Posted Oct 8, 2006
The mighty God of Shapeshifters accepts your challenge!
The Plains of Asgard
Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake Posted Oct 14, 2006
(sorry I've been busy) you make your move first
The Plains of Asgard
Aximili Posted Oct 14, 2006
Hehe, according to the rules I've won already. Shall we ignore that?
*Shapeshifts into a giant tiger and leaps at Josh.*
The Plains of Asgard
Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake Posted Oct 16, 2006
*Josh pulls a hole out of his pocket and politly let's Aximili land in it*
The Plains of Asgard
Aximili Posted Oct 16, 2006
*Scrambles out of the hole*
Phew, that was close.
*Brews up a lightning storm that zaps Josh.*
Ooh, pretty. By the way, where did that hole lead?
Key: Complain about this post
The Plains of Asgard
- 261: chromecoveredclone (Sep 8, 2005)
- 262: Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon (Sep 8, 2005)
- 263: chromecoveredclone (Sep 8, 2005)
- 264: Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon (Sep 8, 2005)
- 265: chromecoveredclone (Sep 8, 2005)
- 266: Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon (Sep 9, 2005)
- 267: chromecoveredclone (Sep 9, 2005)
- 268: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Sep 9, 2005)
- 269: chromecoveredclone (Sep 9, 2005)
- 270: Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon (Sep 9, 2005)
- 271: chromecoveredclone (Sep 9, 2005)
- 272: Dea.. - call me Mrs B! (Sep 9, 2005)
- 273: chromecoveredclone (Sep 9, 2005)
- 274: Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake (Oct 3, 2006)
- 275: Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake (Oct 3, 2006)
- 276: Aximili (Oct 8, 2006)
- 277: Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake (Oct 14, 2006)
- 278: Aximili (Oct 14, 2006)
- 279: Xarin Sliron currently into cheesecake (Oct 16, 2006)
- 280: Aximili (Oct 16, 2006)
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