The Island of the Lost (very discriminately not yellow) Yak
Welcome to My World
Well Hi there to anyone who may be interested. I am currently not really sure what i'm doing here... So please give me a chance. I have been floating around for a few months now, and have found some silly and interesting people and entries. Please take some time to randomly click on the links (there will be some !)
Where You May Find Me
Some Interesting Guide Entries
Choose a Page 1. What Could Be Keeping You Awake? 2. For those who can drive a car... 3. Up in the Air 4. Down your Pants 5. Confused by Cricket? 6. A Bit about one of my addictions 7. Disco Stu's 8. How we Thhould Write in Englith
A Bit About Me
Not really a lot to say about me... But I'll give it a go;
The Year 1000 AD
Cricket (playing, not watching!)
A Vague Obsession With Yaks
They, who-ever "they" may be, have said that I am obsessed. But it is not an obsession, more a curiosity that I can't shake... It's an itch that will not go away...
Anway this is a Yak:
More About Yaks
Even More About Yaks
A Mild Dislike of the Colour Yellow
I'd like to mention that I once tried to wage war on the colour Yellow.
My war failed, as it was decided that yellow is essential in the making of Green and Orange. I can not fault these superior colours, which is a bit odd as they are composites of other colours with yellow.
Currently Reading
A short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson
The Templars, Piers Paul Read
Anything Else?
I am proud to be a FREAK
And also 'Grand High Eater of Lots of Watermelon' of the Evil Army of H2G2The Evil Army of H2G2 |
H2G2 GOD |
Well, It's by no means complete, but I've covered something about me...
Stop by for and
any time
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Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
*poke poke poke* | May 2, 2006 |
they're back | Apr 5, 2006 |
hello there | Dec 14, 2005 |
I'd like 2 know... | Nov 23, 2005 |
Hi BF and Donald! | Oct 24, 2005 |
Bold Ferret - God of Three Sided Squares, Helium Filled Lemmings and A Slightly Bent Teaspoon
Researcher U1160522
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