A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 61

Garius Lupus

Sorry to mislead you. The soulstone that you saw WAS the real one. It just didn't come from the cupboard or go back there - it was and is still on Sarah's person. The ruse was that it came and went back to the cupboard.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 62

Garius Lupus

Didn't understand at first what one of your spells was for - the one to make the soulstone light up and sing. I should have posted that there was a soft, faint glow coming from under the many layers of clothes near Sarah's chest, along with a muffled sound like sighing. Both of those effects just stopped, though, after Sarah's muttered words. Also, your sensing of the stone is less distinct now.

By the way, the Captain and the first mate are both away this weekend. That leaves you, the 2nd mate, in charge. smiley - biggrin

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 63

Garius Lupus

Gillings - the owner of that silvery harmonica-sized thing that you found in your chest is looking for it. Since you didn't post any different, I'm assuming that it is still in your chest. Goodschad's pair of flintlock pistols are still there too, I'll assume. Otherwise, it is just your own stuff in there (including the empty bottle that the ghost had been in).

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 64


Okay, thanks for the info. BTW, is the a location in this ship that would be located directly beneath the Captain's Cabin? I've been doing some scheming when I've not been so busy that I didn't have time to blink.

The RL timing behind the VR timing of the Captain's Cabin thing was certainly a fiasco. If only I had been there at the appropriate times, people may conceivably have not gotten so impatient, and thus suspicious. I've almost worn out Gilling's usefullness as an indirect approach. It's about time to lay all of my cards down. Although I'm pretty sure that Irritating Inuit Uli has already guessed what those cards are...

So, is there a location in the ship directly beneath the Captain's Cabin that I can access? The Brig would be superb, but any ol' broomcloset would do.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 65

Garius Lupus

The cargo hold runs under the entire ship, including the Captain's cabin. smiley - biggrin

Yes, I felt bad about the way that went in the Captain's cabin. RL kept me from responding promptly to a few things too. I guess that's the risk we take doing this on h2g2.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 66


Cargo hold, eh? Okay, lemme think....

Could I cast a spell that would cause the wooden floor beneath Sarah and Lizzie (but only beneath Sarah and Lizzie) to become extremely weak and corroded, but as soon as they fall through have the floor repair itself and become much stronger and fireproofed? Something along the lines of:

"Tooth of worm, bite of time,
Aid me in this quest of mine,
Have the protector and her daughter
Fall into this lair.

Mend now wood, become stronger
Be safe from all attacks for longer
Keep others from using this path
To grant me my fair share."

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 67


And just for the record, even if they have magic shields on, I'm only casting it at the wood they stand on. smiley - winkeye

BTW, can you get onto MSN IM this Sunday, so that this actually works in quasi-real time? smiley - winkeye


Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 68

Garius Lupus

I think it can work - I would have to roll the dice, though. (Your odds are pretty good - you are very powerfull and experienced). I think it would be two spells - one to part the floor boards and another to close them up again.

When it happens, I will post to the Captain's cabin thread and also to the who is where thread.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 69

Garius Lupus

Just thought of one problem - Sarah is having a private conversation with the Captain, and has sent Lizzie with the cat to the chair over beside the door. I think Sarah and the Captain are sitting on the bed, too. You wouldn't know this, of course, since the only thing you could really zero in on from underneath is the soulstone. You could probably guess that Sarah is on the bed, though, from rough estimating of position. You wouldn't know where the Captain and Lizzie are, though.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 70


Hmmm, I see. I may have to cast the spell anyway. Besides, I may have a spell or to that could handle the Captain. That cat, though,....I have no idea just what it's capable of.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 71


Do I have to sacrifice people with my dagger? Can't I just use the fireball instead?

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 72



Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 73

Garius Lupus

You could probably do it with a fireball, but that might not be advisable in a hold full of alcohol and alcohol fumes. smiley - biggrin Also, you will be more sure of the results if you use the dagger.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 74


Okay. Just gotta get that dagger from that cretinous corpse McLellan.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 75

Garius Lupus

Okay, you're a smiley - ghost now. smiley - biggrin Too bad about mistaking Martens for Volkert, but even evil geniuses can slip when under stress. Anyway, you have one shot at possessing someone, since your character description says that it takes so much energy that you can only attempt it once per day. When you try, it will be a battle of wills - you a have a strong will, but you should still be carefull to choose someone you are pretty sure of beating. (It will be another dice decision).

As a ghost, you can pass through any surface and are invisible to most people. You can poltergeist small objects. The people that can hear you are: Goodschad (who can also see you), Volkert, Martens, Amelia and Uli. Uli can see you too, if she uses her magic. Lizzie can sense your presence, but can't see or hear you.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 76

Garius Lupus

Oh, and there is a new "Astral Plane" thread where Uli is waiting for you. smiley - biggrin

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 77


Okay, so I'm a ghost.

Now then. It's practically over. I've got one more shot at this.

So, pull out your dice and tell me two things:

1) When Dr. Rangel blasted my body, was my talisman (the magic one) destroyed?

2) If it was, will I still be able to cast the ritual needed to raise Atlantis?

Off to that Astral Plane, then....

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 78


One more thing: while on the Astral Plane, can I still wander about the real world?

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 79

Garius Lupus

Ah, the amulet - I had forgotten about that. Alas, it is gone with your body. smiley - sadface So it is irretrievable. It was storing a good portion of your magic, so you are much weakened magically, but I think you could probably still pull off the ritual if you were to get another body. The dice won't be as much in your favour now. The odds for your possession spell, though, shouldn't be changed, because it is basically a contest of wills, and your will remains intact.

The astral plane. I think as a ghost, you can wander around the real world at the same time. That's the way McLellan does it. Uli, on the other hand, has to go into a trance to get there.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 80


There, then, is where my advantage lies. Uli is restricted to four dimensions, while I can movie in nine.

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