A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 21


Good! I'm in that cabin now, speaking to Lizzie and, it seems, the cat.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 22

Garius Lupus

Regarding the new Ghost character - you can hear him but not see him.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 23


Okay. BTW, I might not be online as much for the remainder of the game. School's starting off busy.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 24


Just so you know, I'm listening to the Ghost trying to talk to Martens. If they're both close enough,....smiley - winkeye

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 25

Garius Lupus

Hopefully you can get online at least once per day. smiley - biggrin

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 26


No promises. Once every two days if I'm lucky.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 27

Garius Lupus

Oh no! smiley - sadface

How are you ever going to raise Atlantis?

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 28


Blackmail, if all of my plans go well. This new ghost character may actually be beneficial.

Now, what do I see in Arl's sea chest, and (just for good measure) Mrs. Briggs' sea chest? Could I check all of the sea chests, by any chance?

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 29

Garius Lupus

Well, since you will probably ask for each chest in succession, I might as well tell you what's in each. You also specifically mentioned Sarah's chest, but her trunk is in the captain's cabin.

1) Lorenzen's chest contains the usual clothes and personal items. It also contains a strange looking gun, a clear bubble with an odd pinkish-grey object inside and a bottle of amber liquid.

2) Goodschad's chest contains (besides the usual clothes, etc.) a pair of flintlock pistols, typical of 150 years ago.

3) Martens' chest contains the usual stuff, plus a strange metal tool with a motor and a toothed blade

4) Volkert's chest contains the usual stuff, plus an old, but well kept sword.

Since you are also looking around the cabin, here is what you see (not sure if you were there when I gave this description before):

The cat saw a bunch of bunks, neatly made, with a locked sea-chest at the foot of each one. Plus a partially carved likeness of the Mary Celeste, a fiddle, several partially consumed candles, a spare sea-chest, a rabbit's foot, a coin under a bunk, a storm lantern, a weapon's locker (locked), several equipment lockers, a loose piece of rope, a mostly-mended sail with needle and thread and a broken compass.

Since I posted that description, the coin has been picked up, but everything else is as it was.

Anything else you would like to know? smiley - biggrin

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 30

Garius Lupus

Since you were last here, other people have come to the Forecastle. For continuity, I'll assume that as soon as you finished looking in the trunks, you closed and relocked them. I've posted that you are just standing around.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 31


Drat this homework! Conquer the world or do homework....conquer the world or do homework....

I want that strange looking gun and bubble in Lorenzen's chest. I'm just imagining all of the weird things that it could mean. I mean, so far I've encountered Atlantis, a cat that could very easily be a familiar or a trapped sorceress, a character strangely resembling Amelia Earheart, and a inuit spellcaster. It's just unusual so far that a visitor from the future wouldn't be out of the question. But better not jump to conclusions. smiley - winkeye

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 32

Garius Lupus

Okay, you have the bubble and the gun, but what did you do with them so that noone saw you with them?

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 33


Hmmm, this is odd. Me saying that I wanted that stuff was just thinking out loud. But, if you insist....smiley - winkeye

But no, I put 'em back. I didn't take it. Besides, it wouldn't be much good for me to have it with Sea and Arl watching.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 34

Garius Lupus

Okay. I thought you meant that you took them when the trunks were open. We'll say that you were interrupted in your searching and didn't actually take anything. I think the cat came in after you had the trunks closed. And Lorenzen came in after that. I don't think they saw you.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 35


Nope. I'm getting worried, though. Things are falling into place too easily.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 36

Garius Lupus

Two things:

1) What is falling into place? It would be fun to hear what you think and have figured out and are planning. Some of the others are writing logs in their private threads. Those are fun for me and the lurkers to read, and will be fun for the other actors to read when this is all over. Plus it will help you remember what you were doing when you were last online.

2) What did you take from the chests?

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 37


Things just seem to coincidental. I mean, I want certain people killed, and can do so only through Martens. However, only if he's intoxicated. But low and behold, we're carrying alcohol! Ah, but that's poisoned. But then, just when all seems lost, I seel Lorenzen sneaking a drink.

Anyway, as for what I took from the chests (I meant to tell you earlier, but I forgot), I believe that I took the strange looking gun, the bubble, the bottle of what I'm assuming is alcohol (was it?), and I think that's all that I meant to take. Lemme check my at-home notes for a second....

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 38

Garius Lupus

*Just so you know, the strange looking gun is about 2.5 feet long with a barrel about 6 inches long. There is a curved thing hanging down just in front of the trigger guard. This curved thing looks like it can be disconnected, because you saw another one in the chest. (if you took that too, just post that you did - I forgot to mention it the first time around). The body of the gun is 3 inches by 6 inches and has a stock, like a rifle, attached to it.*

That hopeless description is of a machine gun. smiley - biggrin Since this is 1872, you would have no idea what it is.

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 39


I guess I took the other thing as well. What does the bubble look like?

Private thread for Second Mate Gilling

Post 40

Garius Lupus

I don't have my notes here at the library, but I'll do the best I can.

*The bubble is a hemisphere made of some clear substance that is like glass but stronger. It has a flat base made of a bright shiny metal. Inside is a pinkish grey wrinkled object, which you recognise from some of your more gruesome rituals as a human brain. It is swimming in some sort of clear liquid and looks unusually well preserved, considering that it must have been on the ship for the entire voyage.*

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