A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 481

Otus Nycteus

* Eli smiles and gently squeezes Kyra's shoulder. *

It seems to me that you've broken that particular pattern, then.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 482


*Kyra shakes her head*

No. Because if he loves me, I'll break his heart when I leave him. I didn't care about the others, they weren't good people.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 483

Otus Nycteus

* Eli gives Kyra an observant look. *

Do you *want* to leave him, then?

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 484


*Kyra looks at Eli and smiles brightly*

No. But I will. I always do.

*She laughs suddenly*

It's so much easier not to care, you know?

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 485

Otus Nycteus

* Eli gives Kyra a faint smile. *

Why would you do something you don't want to do?

* He nods slowly. *

Yes, it is - but caring is more rewarding in the long run.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 486


*Kyra shrugs, not knowing why, only knowing that she will*

I've never cared about anyone before. I don't know if I know how.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 487

Otus Nycteus

* Eli smiles again. *

I think you do.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 488


*Kyra smiles back*

Maybe not enough.

*She feels better anyway*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 489

Otus Nycteus

* Eli smiles at Kyra. *

You'll never find out if you don't explore the possibility.

* He gets up. *

How about dinner?

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 490


*Kyra nods*

Sure. Your turn to cook. I'll be in charge of the wine.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 491

Otus Nycteus

* Eli chuckles. *

Just don't order it all down your throat...

* He starts to gather ingredients and clean them. *

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 492


*Kyra grins and pours two glasses, then gets Frankie's meat*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 493

Otus Nycteus

* It doesn't take Eli long to prepare their meal, and a little later both he and Kyra dig into a portion of rice, vegetables and some more peanuts. *

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 494


*Kyra and Eli finish their meal, and Kyra takes Frankie for a walk, alone, and tries not to think too much*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 495

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul is in the kitchen of the tardis, eating dinner. He is alone and has spaghetti with tomatoe sauce.*

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 496

Otus Nycteus

* Eli enters the tardis kitchen, having taken a walk outside of the ship. He sees Paul and smiles at him. *

Hello, Paul. How are you?

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 497

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul looks up*

Oh, hello Eli. Oh, I'm ok, thanks.

*he smiles*

Do you want some spaghetti, too?

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 498

Otus Nycteus

* Eli smiles at Paul and shakes his head. *

No, thanks. It's a bit early for me to have dinner.

* He pours himself a glass of water and sits down. *

Done anything interesting these last few days?

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 499

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Paul sighs*

Well, I went on getting things from my parents' aparment. And Tavaron and I were in the city again.

Time Loop 2: the Androcles

Post 500

Otus Nycteus

* Eli nods slowly. *

That must've brought back memories.

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