A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 721


*Frankie sits up in surprise, and Schroedinger slides off. Kyra turns over to pat Frankie, and she sees the cat. Frankie looks at Schroedinger in benign surprise, and lowers her head to sniff the cat's nose*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 722


*Jack strokes Anezka's hair*

I always sleep well. I didn't mean to wake you.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 723

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka smiles and slowly opens her eyes*

You didn't. Don't worry. And I don't mind if you do.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 724

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron and Paul already were outside on the beach, lying in a hammock and watching the sunrise -with Senta.*


*then they had a short swim, were a bit childish and drew hearts into the sand and now are in the kitchen, having breakfast.*


*Paul looks out at the sea, smiles and turns to his girlfriend*

Sooo... this little hut in the forest...

*Tavaron chuckles*

Allright, allright, we'll go there.

*Paul nods in mock seriousness*

Good. I want to try to find out what you have written on this stone.

*she laughs*

If it makes you feel better...

*Paul chuckles and kisses her cheek*

In fact I of course know that I have no reason to be jealous because you can't find someone who's better than I am anyhow.

*he winks*

*Tavaron laughs*

Right. Always remember that.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 725

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Schrödinger is slightly annoyed and narrows his eyes at the dog, but at least it's only trying to sniff his *front* end, so he grudgingly lets it*

*There's no dog to sleep on now - but there *is* a freshly-vacated, still-warm spot next to its owner*

*The spot smells a bit of dog, but he decides he can live with that as he circles a few times, trying to find the very best bit and lies down*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 726


*Jack leans back against the bedhead sleepily*

We'll have to go back soon. Is there anything else you wanted to do here?

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 727


*Frankie doesn't like Schroedinger lying in *her* place next to Kyra, and after a few plaintive looks she lies down with her back against the cat, then *accidently* rolls over on him*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 728

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Anezka catches Jack's hand and kisses it*

Just enjoing the time with you. We should go swimming again and maybe snorkling... that's all.

*she smiles*

And maybe dozing a bit in the hammock.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 729

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Schrödinger is not amused*

*He claws his way out across Kyra, grumbling crossly to himself in his head and growling curses under his breath*

*Since he can't get out, he leaps up onto the wardrobe by way of a side table and hunches himself on top, swishing trails in the dust with his poofed tail and grumbling still*

*He decides he will simply stare at them until they're forced to get up*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 730


*Jack smiles*

We can do that.

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 731


*Kyra half wakes up when Schroedinger claws over her, but she soon curls back up next to Frankie and goes back to sleep. She's having an interesting dream. She dreams that she is on Rigel VI with Eli and Lucy. At first they actually have a good time. Kyra shows them some fun places, or at least places she'd had fun as a kid. Strangely, Eli and Lucy seem to enjoy themselves as well, though the things they do wouldn't seem to be the sort of thing she'd have thought people like them would like. Things that she'd done in the past. Things like sneaking into locked offices at night to go through records - something she'd done when she was seventeen - complete with the cameo appearance of the fat security guard to chase them out of the building. Then she'd shown them her haunt. This is a little out of chronological order. She'd found this place when she was nine, and had abandoned it soon after. The only way to get to it is over the roofs and through a hole in a roof. A rope with a loop tied at the end and several knots tied along the length is hidden under a piece of wood, and Kyra fits the loop over a stub of a pipe beside the hole. The rope is more to help her climb back out again, as the drop isn't that great. Kyra jumps down and leads the way to her place*


*When she gets to her room Eli and Lucy are gone, as if they'd never been there, and Kyra can see her own shape on the mattress. She doesn't find this strange at all*


*She falls asleep in the dream and wakes up in the tardis. After having a quick bath, she dresses and goes to have breakfast, then takes Frankie for a walk, lwaving the door open for the cat*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 732

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron and Paul are in the forest for what they think will be their last walk on the island. They are both are a bit sad about that but they are also sure that they will come back.
When Tavaron smells at a flower, they hear something - it sounds like an animal - not far away.*


*Tavaron and Paul look at each other and slowly sneak towards the source of the noise. Tavaron stops when she sees a large bird*


This is one of the birds I was talking about when we came.</>

*Paul watches it*

Doesn't seem to be friendly.</>

*Tavaron just nods and they go on watching the bird for a while until they slowly sneak away again.*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 733

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Tavaron walk on to Tavaron's little hut. Paul has a look at all the things while Tavaron watche him. In the end he picks up the stone heart, puts on his glasses and tries to find out what was written onit.*


*Tavaron laughs and tries to take the stone out of Paul's hands while he holds it up so she can't get it... well, maybe she could if she really wanted to.*

I won't tell you anything.

*Paul grins*

I bet you will.

*Tavaron gives up trying to get the stone and starts having a look at her things.*

Maybe later.

*Paul chuckles*


Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 734

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

*Later Tavaron and Paul go to the small pool and the waterfall. They spend some hours there before they return to the tardis to have lunch.*


*Afterwards they join the others at the beach to swim and simply enjoy their last day away from the Mariposa.*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 735

Otus Nycteus

* Eli and Lucy have risen early to make the most of what will probably be their last day on Caph V. They left the tardis after a quick breakfast and, following the beach, made their way to the far side of the island, which they hadn't seen yet. As the water there looked particularly inviting, they went for a swim - not that they had their bathing suits with them, but they figured the chances of any of the others being around were negligable. So, wearing nothing but their amulets, they had some fun in the surf for a while and then let the sun dry them before getting dressed again and continuing their circumnavigation of the island. *

* After a while - judging by the position of the sun they must be more than halfway around the island - they reach an unusually rocky bay. *


* Movement in the water attracts their attention, and they climb onto a large rock to get closer to the shoreline without being noticed. As they reach the edge of the rock, they see a large group of apparently flightless seabirds diving for fish. *


* Eli and Lucy smile at each other and remain on the rock for a while to observe the fishing birds. When the flock swims to the shore to roost on the rocks, they climb down and continue their walk back to the tardis. *

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 736


*Kyra spends the day playing with Frankie. When they're both tired out from paddling and chasing each other around, they fall asleep on the sand in the sun, wet and covered in sand*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 737


*When Kyra wakes up, a little more tanned than when she'd gone to sleep, she pulls her dress on and heads back to the tardis. She finds the music player Tavaron had brought out for their first dinner. She has a look for some good songs, and finds one from Rigel*

How did she find *this*? </>


Bring on the ape farm
Demolish the monkeys
Drink up, drink up
Look down on junkies ... </>


#Well, sort of. It's more yelling and head thumping than actual *singing*

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 738


*Kyra finds one of her all-time favourite songs and grins*


*She hasn't heard this song in years*


Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 739

Otus Nycteus

* Eli and Lucy return to the tardis, tired and hungry but happy. They go to the kitchen, where maître Escoffier serves them another delicious meal: Vegetable soup with whole-wheat bread, salade Niçoise for Lucy and a green been salad for Eli, pommes gaufrettes, and for dessert gooseberry and elderflower ice cream. *


* Eli and Lucy pay the chef the best possible compliment by finishing every last crumb of their dinner. They thank him and take their glasses and the bottle of red wine they've been having with their meal outside to enjoy the evening air. They're about to sit down on one of the terraces, wondering where everybody is and why there haven't been any preparations to leave yet, when they hear faint music. They smile at each other and head towards the source of the music: the pavillion in sea. *

Tavaron's birthday holiday

Post 740


*Kyra's finding a great selection of the music she likes*


*She sees Eli and Lucy and waves at them, but she doesn't get up from the end of the pier. Her feet are dangling in the water and she's almost subconsciously looking for fish*

*When they get closer she leans back on her elbows to look at them, smiling*


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