A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Tavaron and Paul walk back to the tardis with the others but then stop before entering to watch the beautiful sunset*
*Paul wraps his arms around Tavaron and gives her a kiss*
Thanks for these holidays, kitty.
*she smiles back at him and then watches the sunset leaning against his chest*
*when the sun disappeared behind the horizon they both walk into the tardis to have dinner on the loggia*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Since it's too late to go catch his personal beastie again, Schrödinger doesn't even attempt to escape*
*He lies down somewhere soft, gives the cuts a soft, gentle and antiseptic cleaning with his tongue, and then devours most of the food before going back to his warm soft spot for a nap*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 7, 2006
* Eli smiles at Malaba. *
You could ask Charles bring some food to your room, if you want to. And don't worry about troubling him with it. It's his job, and I'm sure he gets paid well for it.
* Lucy comes up to him and slips her arm around his waist. He smiles at her and does the same. *
* When they get to the tardis, they enjoy the sunset with the others, and then go to the kitchen to get themselves some food, wishing the people that are going to bed goodnight as they do. *
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Kyra calls for Frankie to speak as she walks along the beach, and after the fourth or fifth time she hears the dog answer. Kyra follows the sound and finds Frankie at the base of a tree. The animal Schroedinger had been thinking about making a meal of is staring malevolently down at her. Kyra has a look at it, but besides a few ruffled feathers, the creature seems unhurt. Kyra makes a big fuss of Frankie and the two of them head back to the tardis*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Kyra and Frankie play in the surf in the moonlight, and when Frankie's tired out they go back to the tardis. Kyra dries her off and gets as much sand from her fur as she can, then the two of them go into the kitchen in search of food*
*Kyra grins at Eli and Lucy, and suddenly remembers the dream she'd had last night*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 7, 2006
* Eli and Lucy look up from their meal - which actually is finished by now, they're just enjoying the aftertaste and a glass of wine - and smile at Kyra. *
Hello. How are you?
* Eli gives Frankie, who has bounded over to him, a couple of pets, before the poodle moves over to Lucy, who smiles and scratches her between the ears. *
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Kyra grabs some food and sits at the table next to Lucy*
I'm good. What've you been doing?
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 7, 2006
* Eli and Lucy exchange a smile, and Eli answers: *
We've taken Malaba to see the seahorses. Tavaron and Paul went with us, too.
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Kyra shares her meal with Frankie*
Did Malaba have fun?
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 7, 2006
* Eli and Lucy smile again, and Eli replies:
Oh yeah, she did. She was delighted. A shame you weren't there to see it. You helped us find them, after all.
* He gives her a crooked smile. *
Come to think of it, where *were* you that you missed such a momentous occasion?
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Kyra laughs*
Oh, I was here. I must have just missed you. When I came out there was no one here. Except Schroedinger. He caught some sort of bird, but I think he came out worse off than the bird did. Frankie tracked it, and it seemed alright.
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 7, 2006
* Eli looks a little concerned. *
Perhaps it's a good thing we'll be leaving soon. We can't have that cat go around and kill animals when he can get all the food he could ever want here. Especially not island animals.
* Lucy looks surprised. *
Schrödinger got worse off than the bird? Is he okay? And what kind of bird was it? Some sort of raptor?
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Kyra nods*
Yeah, I thought when we found out he was here that it's a good thing he isn't a pregnant female. I've heard of small islands being destroyed by the descendants of one pregnant animal.
*She shakes her head at the irrelevance*
Anyway ... I didn't get a good look at it. It was about half his size, and it didn't seem hurt. It looked to have put up one h*ll of a fight.
I don't think it was a raptor. More like a ground bird. I found it in a tree, but it wasn't very high up, and it was a fig tree, so it could have climbed.
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 7, 2006
* Eli nods. *
My thoughts exactly. Though even one non-pregnant predator can suffice.
Almost a shame we'll be going so soon. I would've liked to see that bird.
* Lucy smiles and nods. *
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Kyra nods and smiles hopefully*
Maybe we'll come back one day.
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 7, 2006
* Lucy chuckles. *
Who knows? Maybe we can convince Tavaron to celebrate another birthday here sometime.
* She yawns, and Eli smiles at Kyra. *
Let's hope so. This is a wonderful place. But for now I think Lucy and I'll go and visit another wonderful place.
* He grins at her and get up, as does Lucy. They give Frankie a couple of goodnight pets, and smile at Kyra. *
Sleep well. We'll see you tomorrow.
* They smile again and leave the kitchen, heading for their bedroom and DIA censorship. *
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Kyra sits in the kitchen for a little while longer, then goes back to her room with Frankie*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Schrödinger yawns and stretches stiff muscles, then jumps down from the chair he was sleeping in*
*Halfway down, he decides he isn#t as awake as he thought he was*
*Luckily, there appears to be an even *larger* pillow-dog right there on the bed. It will make a good place for a short nap*
*Bunching his muscles and switching his tail more for effect than anything else, he leaps up onto the bed, tramples over the human lying in the way and settles down on top of the sleeping dog*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Kyra Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Jack wakes up slowly and sits up to watch Anezka sleep. He doesn't want to wake her*
Tavaron's birthday holiday
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Aug 7, 2006
*Anezka searches for Jack in her sleep, then half wakes and moves to lie with her head and sholders on his lap.*
Morning, honey. Did you sleep well?</>
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Tavaron's birthday holiday
- 701: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Aug 7, 2006)
- 702: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Aug 7, 2006)
- 703: Otus Nycteus (Aug 7, 2006)
- 704: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 705: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 706: Otus Nycteus (Aug 7, 2006)
- 707: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 708: Otus Nycteus (Aug 7, 2006)
- 709: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 710: Otus Nycteus (Aug 7, 2006)
- 711: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 712: Otus Nycteus (Aug 7, 2006)
- 713: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 714: Otus Nycteus (Aug 7, 2006)
- 715: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 716: Otus Nycteus (Aug 7, 2006)
- 717: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 718: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Aug 7, 2006)
- 719: Kyra (Aug 7, 2006)
- 720: Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor (Aug 7, 2006)
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