A Conversation for The Beta RPG – A Massively Mini-Player Online Role-Playing Game
OffShoot: Season 2
Anole Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Loiosh (as ship intercom)]: "You may be right. Good thing you left the designs and program on the computer still, even though they hold some incriminating stuff. There are some minor operating mistakes in all the mechs', both program and design, that won't show unless a critical point in the systems and/or structure of the mech is hit. In my free time I'll design the Drake Mech 3.0, though you might need to get some special materials for it."
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Razor]: "Eh-heh... Oops."
*looks out of a viewport*
"well, would you have it but that there is the remains to a wreck nearby. We must be getting closer then."
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
{Razor]: (to Anole) : "Seems a few mistakes were left then when... I was likely to have constructed that part in kind of a hurry. Modified it as some extensions and variations to your basic bipedal one. You know, an quadruped-biped switch option, for whichever was more desirable for a certain set of actions you are planning to take. Oh yeah, that's right. It probably would have been better if I had put a bit more time into setting up some jammers or a bit of stealth stuff into the design. they'd be able to ID us pretty quick if they wanted. Although... some of the parts I got off of other things may hold IDs from whatever they belonged to before. You know, parts of old ships and things."
*smiles a bit, about to chuckle*
"Might be a bit confusing to whoever was trying to track it, if they pulled up different IDs for the same thing, and unless they had a good knowledge at that sort of stuff or about salvagers and space-pirates,"
"prolly think it was an error on their screen or something."
OffShoot: Season 2
Anole Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Loiosh]: <<< This is hard for me to do when loaded, but expresses me better. Scan the wreck with the program ('G://Mwreck340-23/Scan-materials-componments-technology/uses.exe'), that should find anything useful. Been working on that scan program for years. I already saved it to the ships functions. Any program errors are now done, and systems and memory are rerouted and compliled. Uploading new programs to Mechs 1 and 5. Drake Mech program download complete. Structural problems file saved and routed to the computer near you.>>>
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Razor]: <<<Wow but that was quick. There are four to the best of my knowledge. Five was a test experiment that wasn't done yet, & had to be reworked,- er... for a few reasons.>>>
(Pretending to be flustered) : "A program, eh? Machines and electronics may be good at some things, but this is my trade,- this is my (er, more 'legit') profession. I"
*stuffs it and decides to try the program out anyway,- in addition to the parts he will pick out by hand/manually- er, by analog means.*
*looks at it*
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Razor]: *kind of embarassed* "It had, er... grown,- how would you say,- uncdooperative. Kind of had... actually ran amok... at one point. That was when it had been decided [it was] better to shut the thing down and leave it in a sort of stasis, so it could be tested on to figure out what was wrong."
*looks at little blinking dot on the screen after hitting enter*
"Well, for one thing, the sensor array needs to have a different number of receiver channels than the one I had put on there. The one on that wreck seems to have more. 3-5 is good for most things, but I'm not going to bother with asking why seven; probably two to switch back and forth in between for encryption."
*shrugs baffled at the technical detail volume*
"Oh, this helps."
*puts it into 'stupid' mode/plain language*
"Much better. It's got the parts needed, stuff missing and name of thing to be looked for. can add in a link back to here for an image of it if it is on the catalogue in this area's computer. Sounds right nifty."
*heads for his own robot suit*
"Alright. I've got my chores list in order. Like... going to a grocery store almost. Except, well... for free. You know what they say about how one man's garbage..."
*the cockpit slides shut and muffles out the rest.*
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Razor]: <<>>
*The thrusters on Razor's mecha push the suit out of the cargo area, through the airlock, which then shuts behind him.*
It whooshes open and he kinda drifts out.
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Razor]: <<>>
*Examines cracked hull.*
*gingerly grabs onto a component that is loosely attached to one odf four points where it was supposed to be anchored and would have been clunking, but for that there is no noise in space*
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Razor]: <<>>
*Examines cracked hull.*
*gingerly grabs onto a component that is loosely attached to one of four points where it was supposed to be anchored and would have been clunking, but for that there is no noise in space*
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Razor]: Er, ...
*grabs some more parts, then starts prying apart the primary 2 planes to the metal on the main-portion of the hull.*
*Hooks tether to an approprite spot then begins the tricky process of tying some knots in space to get a net around the back.*
OffShoot: Season 2
Thorn Posted Oct 9, 2006
[Razor]: <<< I meant our freighter. Whatever class of vessel this thing was... this is only about a half-to two-thirds of what the ful-intended lenght and size of the thing were. Part of it must've gotten, either sheered off or destroyed. You sure that'd be an okay idea to sell it to a government... even if it was without an "off" switch?>>>
*The doors to the hatchway click shut, and then after restablishing equilibrium (or whatever) the airlock doors open*
"Okay,- it's kind of big. I had the cable go route back to a winch in the compartment directly under us, ... you know, beneath this one. Better get to telling the machine to start pulling I had."
Key: Complain about this post
OffShoot: Season 2
- 261: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 262: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 263: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 264: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 265: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 266: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 267: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 268: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 269: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 270: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 271: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 272: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 273: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 274: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 275: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 276: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 277: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 278: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
- 279: Anole (Oct 9, 2006)
- 280: Thorn (Oct 9, 2006)
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