A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8201

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

laughing at the pirate poetry, especially the last two...smiley - cheers

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8202

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Pirates laugh and drink.
No plank-walking today, just
Keel-hauling newbies.

smiley - evilgrin

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8203

Pirate Alexander LeGray

It was in the good ship..on cabin 13

The capt was a good chap and always flirtinsmiley - diva

But one was a vogon in disguise,

capt was very wise

and said keep on your disguise until I give my leg a sheen.

It needs some work, Mmm well I'm only a smiley - pirate.

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8204

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Someday, a smiley - pirate will come along who becomes a poetry supperstar. In the meantime, everybody ahs a shot. smiley - smiley

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8205

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

I like the idea of a poetry supperstar - sort of cabaret smiley - redwinesmiley - bubblysmiley - crisps and words....smiley - evilgrin

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8206

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Actually Paul, have you seen those boxes of poetic words you can buy, they have magnetic backs and you can stick them on your fridge - a sort of jigsaw version of verse.

For instance in my collection there would be:

spindrift velvet turquoise inky swoosh crunches pounds crescent never pearl thrust alive

What words would you have in the collection? Maybe we could all add some and then pick'n'mix smiley - smiley

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8207

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

smiley - doh

I didn't spot the "superstar/supperstar" typo. Sorry. smiley - sadface

Yes, a supperstar wouod be a fine career goal for pirate and non-pirate alike. smiley - smiley

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8208

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

when i was a kid we had both letter-soup and letter cookies

haven't seen those for years smiley - huh

now we only have letterman

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8209

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

We have lettercarriers, too.

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8210

The ghost of long forgotten Zaphodistas

of course west of the pond you have David Letterman smiley - laugh

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8211

The ghost of long forgotten Zaphodistas

note my name. I may be dead but not gone yet.

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8212


a large barrel mysteriously appears in the bar.
the lid pops off and out come a dozen thirsty monkeys.

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8213

Pirate Alexander LeGray

smiley - bigeyessmiley - redwine

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8214

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

If they're in a bar, it's not likely that they'll be thirsty for long, especially on a Wednesday. smiley - winkeye

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8215

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

bar flies, bar monkeys - next smiley - huh

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8216

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Bar stools? smiley - yuk

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8217

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Bar Stewards?

Passes a few drinks around the gathered smiley - piratesmiley - piratesmiley - pirate

smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - pggbsmiley - redwinesmiley - cidersmiley - alesmiley - pggb

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8218

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Thirsty comes after Wednesday.

Frighty comes after Thirsty.


Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8219

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i am going to a party friday night, i already dread saturday mourning smiley - hangover

smiley - pirate

Cabin 13 (V) The Lighthouse Bar, a poetry-free zone.

Post 8220

Pirate Alexander LeGray

smiley - bigeyessmiley - pggb

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