A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

The Generator Room

Post 801

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

There has been a strange influx of dental work around here as I myself contributed to my dentist's holiday abroad with the grandchildren by having a tooth filled. Must be a result of all those christmas sweets. I never could turn down a mincemeat tart. smiley - tongueout Or for that matter a nice rum punch. Ta Alec. smiley - cheers

The Generator Room

Post 802


I have an interesting tidbit from an unnamed source. It seems Sadam Hussein has been using clones to confuse people but one of his clones
started using foul language so Sadam had the guards throw his to his death from the Palace roof. When secret agents reported this to George W Bush he said "typical now in adition to his other crimes we can accuse him of making an obscene clone fall.smiley - silly

The Generator Room

Post 803

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

smiley - laughROTFL

thankyou shagbark

alec.smiley - clown

The Generator Room

Post 804

F F Churchton

Was this interesting tibit, the baghdad town drunk by any chance!!!

The Generator Room

Post 805

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

The retort was far too funny to have been made by our fearless & brainless'leader'... Neug-smiley - bigeyes

The Generator Room

Post 806

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* takes the rags out of her ears *

Why is everyone laughing?

The Generator Room

Post 807

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

*points to signed and framed photograph of GWB and AT hanging on the wall above the 'slap-on' rollaway steel punch cabinet.*

*Caption reads : "NOW I know who to call, thanks alec...GWB"

alec.smiley - clown

Hi Luz...howzitgoing ???

The Generator Room

Post 808

Lighthousegirl - back on board

When Gohostbusters just wint do there is always Alec smiley - biggrin

I'm doin' good ythanks Alec - you?

Whats been happening in your world?

The Generator Room

Post 809

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

oh all sorts of things luz...

i flew to the bahamas in a seaplane a couple of times back in Jan,
overcoming a deep seated fear of flying that i've had for a number of years.

the littlest trician smiley - nahnahhas just turned 10

and i'm having a great time at work, rewiring a sailboat whose crew are Springboks, Kiwis, Aussies, Zimbabweans and a German. Oh and there's a token Amerikaner too...We have a bunch of fun.

how's smiley - choc??

alec.smiley - clown

The Generator Room

Post 810

Lighthousegirl - back on board

smiley - wow Good for you Alec! Were the Behamas beautiful? I am not that fond of flying but can cope with big planes - I am less sure about those small ones smiley - erm

A 10th Brithday Party must have been fun too smiley - biggrin Did you do Jelly and Ice cream?

Your work does sound like fun - do you get to go out in the boats too?

smiley - choc has been somewhat hectic recently! We had some big announcements this week which effected the whole of our smiley - choc empire and I had to drop what I was working on and spend lots of time communicating the changes - quite fun really. I have a new boss (second one in 4 months!) which is hard work but he seems good

* passes a smiley - rocketsmiley - coffee *

The Generator Room

Post 811

F F Churchton

Alls fair in love, war and chocolate production!!!

The Generator Room

Post 812

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

i just read this:

"Love??...forget it, i'd rather fall in chocolate"

alec.smiley - clown

The Generator Room

Post 813

F F Churchton

Well it depends how high you were dropped!!!

The Generator Room

Post 814

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)


how high you were when droppedsmiley - winkeye

make mine the praline

alec.smiley - clown

The Generator Room

Post 815

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

high on smiley - choc ?

well, i've heard worse smiley - winkeye

thank you, alec, i have had my share of flying. don't mind doing it again but have absolutely *no* craving for flying 16 hours in one go as our lookout and the navigator did a few days back smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 816

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

...so they've arrived safely then,
we thank God for travelling mercies.

Any idea when they will be resuming their duties??

i mean...one can only sit at anchor and wait for so long right...


smiley - yikeswe did remember to drop the hook-shaped thingie at the front

er didn't you Captain Pisces ??

alec.smiley - clown

The Generator Room

Post 817

F F Churchton

Where are we anyhu!!

The Generator Room

Post 818

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

no worries whatsoever

the autopilot is turned on and their controls safely locked, so we should be safe for a while

guess we will arive in the horsehead nebula in a few lightyears from now

as for the navigator and the lookout they have arrived safely in england but haven't yet found out where to unpack there computers so it will probably be a while before we see them here again

they send their love

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 819

F F Churchton

Oh, the horsehead nubulae, how romantic, good thing I brought my digital camera, I wonder if I have enough time to figure out how it works!!!

The Generator Room

Post 820

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

according to my astronomy teacher the horsehead nebula doesn't work at all

smiley - pirate

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