A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

The Generator Room

Post 741

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

of course,the smiley - martiansmile chronicles!!! smiley - biggrin N-smiley - bigeyes

The Generator Room

Post 742

F F Churchton

You say that, like it's supposed to mean something!!!

The Generator Room

Post 743

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you may see it as a tribute to a great writer

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 744

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

google Ray Bradbury! smiley - cheers Neugen smiley - bigeyes

The Generator Room

Post 745

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

great use of language, neugen smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 746

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

smiley - ta next to isaac asimov,robert heinlein,there`s ray bradbury- 'something wicked this way comes'smiley - winkeye Neu smiley - bigeyes

The Generator Room

Post 747

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

nothing beats douglas adams though smiley - smiley

his incredible insight in science combined with his far out imagination and last - but certainly not least! - his humour still fascinates me smiley - wow

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 748

F F Churchton

He's not as good as Robert Rankin!!!

The Generator Room

Post 749

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

no he isn't

he is better smiley - tongueout

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 750

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

*alec polishes the shiny chrome cylinder head covers till they positively gleam...checks reflection and tries to clean oily palm-print from own forehead*

*rolls out the 'slap-on' rollaway steel punch cabinet and makes fresh smiley - rocketsmiley - ojpunch*

*wonders briefly just how long the book club have been meeting in here*

ok then...smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - ok

help yourselves.

The Generator Room

Post 751

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

Hi Alec! I just mentioned;the chronicles,that`s all! But truely,D.Adams was so funny-it was simply impossible to put his books down-(even Dirk Gentry).Asimov grabbed me the same way tho-couldn`t stop reading his stories/literature/text books. Not that I read a lot during high school.but I read my way thru my tiny local library.Not generator room talk tho-it should be grunts & wheezes& machine speak! smiley - cheers I`m going up-stairs~ smiley - hug Neugen smiley - bigeyes

The Generator Room

Post 752

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

Ta!! smiley - cheers
DNA was a major force in the genre of humorous sci-fi. I also greatly enjoyed Kurt Vonnegut, Keith Laumer, and Poul Anderson.

The Generator Room

Post 753

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

vonnegut is weird, but good. anderson is good. laumer i don't know

:: grabs a smiley - stiffdrink ::

thanks, alec smiley - cheers

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 754

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

Laumer wrote a series of novels satirizing the diplomatic corps. The hero, Retief was always preventing wars and such on alien planets through direct action as a very junior member of the corps whist his superiors considered whether to send a "strongly worded memo" or the much more serious "firm note", while attending indiginous nose flute concerts.

The Generator Room

Post 755

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

nose flute concerts? smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 756


Algis Budrys ... well worth a read.

The Generator Room

Post 757

F F Churchton

Your European currency, ain't welcome here!!!

The Generator Room

Post 758

Lady Neugen Bigeyes;Owlatron`s thundercat;Researcher of the hyperlink;Honorary Muse of card-senders

The ability to make one laugh (sometimes at its-self) is the best proof of IQ that I can find;if you can`t laugh at yourself-kiss IQ`s- behind-it`s certainly not mine! Asimov & DA made me laugh,& in so doing,taught me it`s ok to laugh at yourself-look at those who take themselves soooo seriously-not my cup of tea! Neugen smiley - bigeyes

The Generator Room

Post 759

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

a word, admiral: please don't offend our navigator. his navigational skills are, well, let's just call them debatable enough as it is... smiley - erm

kes is english - to the marrow! it is true that he has been living in the land of oz for a considerable amount of time, however he is atm moving back to england

thank you

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 760

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

gosh, neugen, i don't know what to say smiley - blush

according to you i have an extremely high IQ smiley - silly

smiley - pirate

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