A Conversation for Wind force twelve abaft the Beam

The Generator Room

Post 861

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

*emerges once again from the depths of the chocolate pool*
smiley - yikesgood grief...it's an interloper...hmmm, hobart? i've heard that name before...

...wait...that's where we are currently mooredsmiley - huh

and...aren't you the new lifeguard??


The Generator Room

Post 862

hobart with paper tiger

Indeed I am, Alec... just got certifiedsmiley - biggrin
Funnily Enough, I chose this name (after Hobart, Tasmania) without actually knowing the ship's current position...smiley - weird

"glug"? You're not choking, are you? smiley - yikes I know rescue maneuvers!!

The Generator Room

Post 863

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you speak of 'current' position? in the generator room? to alec trician?

how many coincidences can you type in one day? smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 864

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

It would be difficult to be distressed while swimming in smiley - choc. At least that's my opinion.

The Generator Room

Post 865

F F Churchton

Well the potential difference between our locations, could result in a resistance moment by people arguing about where we actually are?, it's the Cat war all over again!!!

The Generator Room

Post 866

hobart with paper tiger

smiley - catsmiley - doh

The Generator Room

Post 867

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

*alec turns on the orange flashing strobe light thingy and gives a couple of whoops on the hooga-hooga horn whatsit, just to let everyone know that we're going off shore-power and onto ships power.*

*cranks the donkey generator by hand to provide enough power to run the humongous air-compressor over in the corner.*

*when the air pressure is up to 600psi, alec turns the valves to air-start the ginormous 'Southern Nights' 200kVA generator.*

*once this is running, alec approaches the holy of holies, the 'Buss Power Selector Switch Panel, closes his eyes and utters a small prayer.*

*Grasping the selector switch with both hands, he turns it clockwise, first to the 'off' position, then further to the 'gen1' position.*

*as the captings air-conditioner starts, the generator slows briefly, but quickly comes back up to speed.

*starts to wind in the shore power cords through the Generator room window, and coils them neatly.*

I'll be glad to get back to sea...

alec.smiley - clown

The Generator Room

Post 868

F F Churchton

*Looks through a powerful magniscope at the battling over Baghdad, the she offers other people to have a look: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/photo_gallery/2866897.stm *!!!

The Generator Room

Post 869

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

don't mention the war! (basil fawlty)

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 870

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* tops up the smiley - choc *

The Generator Room

Post 871

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - wow thanks smiley - smooch

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 872

F F Churchton

offers smiley - tea!!!

The Generator Room

Post 873

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

smiley - wow thanks smiley - smooch

smiley - pirate

The Generator Room

Post 874

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

Alec, I'm wondering if we can up the size of the Southern Light genset by a few hundred KVA? I'd like to increase the size of the ice maker in the Lighthouse bar. There has been quite a run on smiley - stiffdrink lately, too many desert images on the telly these days I suppose. If that seems a bit difficult we may need to divert southward for a bit and hook up to a chunk of the ice shelf and tow it behind.smiley - erm

The Generator Room

Post 875

Lighthousegirl - back on board

There has been quite a run on the old smiley - stiffdrink recently and they are not the same without the ice! I should probably claim some of the responsibility for the increase smiley - erm

The Generator Room

Post 876

Alec Trician. (is keeping perfectly still)

*rolls out the old 'slap-on' rollaway steel punch cabinet...*

*checks the shackleton drawer*

Yup...plenty of ice left in here...oooh look, and a bottle of the Mildenhall ...

er...smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrinkanyone ??

alec.smiley - clown

The Generator Room

Post 877

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* hic *

Go on then Alec, you twisted my arm - plenty of that lovely ice mind!

The Generator Room

Post 878

Archibald (Harry) Tuttle considered a radical HVAC technician, Zaphodista, Descent3 pilot

I'm never one to turn down hospitality. smiley - cheers

The Generator Room

Post 879

Lighthousegirl - back on board

It would be very rude wouldnt it!

The Generator Room

Post 880

F F Churchton

Is there any ice left on the bridge when I covered the place in a blizzard before we went through the core!!!

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