A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1821

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Abusive posting is an issue that could effect anybody. Frome a person seeking an ACE badge, does the conduct of that person not come into it when they apply for an ACE badge? smiley - erm

The issue I have is about an person wanting an ACE badge yet thinks they can treat people in such a way as looked at in post 1800. Not just on a message center but any thread accross the all h2g2. Is this the kind of person you want as an ACE?

A link has been sent to you, via the iCan 'send a private message' to the thread post 1800 relates to.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1822

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Jimster, take it up a level or 50 will you, I know the difference between my forum and a public thread.

Some times a question may have to appear hypothetical, as not to start a flame war. Even though the question I asked was about real events, but as I said you have a link to it now, possibly you could share the information with Natalie?

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1823

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Jimster posted "not her application thread"

Who said it was a her? Hope your not falling into the same trap as others.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1824

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Regardless, Jab, I am not going to discuss an individual's behaviour in this thread - if I were to do that with every individual we still wouldn't have reached a solution by *next* Christmas. Please stop trying to draw the conversation in that direction; if an individual's behaviour causes you distress, use the complaints procedure.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1825

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Then you understand why I have been avoiding posting a link that would identify the individual, from post 1800.

Even though the question showed the actual words of an individual, it was only to show the way some people post on site. Even if presented in a 'whats people opinion of' way. smiley - erm

If people thought it acceptable, then any cause of complaint about ACE conduct would probably be redundant, if that had shown to be acceptable.

Since you "would'nt like it", nor I to be on the receiving end of that kind of remark... It can then lead onto another question...

Mobbing has been show to take place. So would it be upto an ACE to put a stop to any post thrown at a person by others - after the ACE has show complaint, then admitted a mistake on their part. Possibly only in e-mail, shame they are good enough to post complaint on site, but not good enough to post an on site retaraction, then not helping to stop others mob people?

Should ACE sycophants remain unchecked, and ACE conduct for non correction of situations the ACE creates go unchecked?

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1826

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - book

BNsmiley - blue.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1827


jimster (h2g2)

U'll find that im not the one thats being rude towards other users of h2g2

If you could even be bothered to check back into afew months ago..u'll understand why i will not stop cumin in h2g2 hey ide give you the thread number myself if i could be bothered..what i will say to you tho is this..ask anyone of your aces 4 the number to ban awol thread..the biggest fiddle in history of h2g2 t get someone removed from a site ..a life time barrin ..i ask you..was it or isit worth the hassle of barrin anyone in such a way.. ( this is how i see it ) your the italics ordered aces into a thread t vote 4 me t be barred because no 1 else had a problem with me..these so called ace's dint even cum across me in h2g2,,so why on earth they should go into such a thread is well (lets just say) out of order..thi not the sort of people ide like on my side put it that way.. smiley - smiley check back in history ..see the down right FIX on t gettin someone removed from a site..and 4 what might i ask..?


Post 1828


i'll just put it back into h2g2 when it gets sent back t me via email people.. smiley - smiley

hey he who dares..smiley - biggrin plus it was 4 jimster already a yikes..smiley - laugh..bet this cover up waint last much longer..lol


Post 1829


Post: 1827

Posted 24 Minutes Ago
This Posting has been temporarily hidden, because a member of our Moderation Team has referred it to the Community Team for a decision as to whether it contravenes the House Rules in some way. We will do everything we can to ensure that a decision is made as quickly as possible.

You can find out more about moderation on h2g2 here.



Post 1830


This post has been removed.


Post 1831


This post has been removed.


Post 1832

the one and only


smiley - whistle


Post 1833


WELL DONE smiley - angel DOIN A GRAND JOB.smiley - biggrin..keep up the good work smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh


Post 1834

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - book well that was an interesting read, has someone got a brand new yikes button for Xmassmiley - erm

BNsmiley - blue.


Post 1835

Researcher 519175

Somebody SHOULD get their facts right! smiley - grr

Contents of an e-mail regarding My Space:

Subject: Your DNA Guide Entry has been removed
To: [email protected]
From: "h2g2" | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
Date: 30 Dec 2003 10:24:41 +0000

Dear DNA User,

Thank you for contributing to a DNA site. Unfortunately we've had to
remove your
Guide Entry below because it contravenes the House Rules.

You have previously been banned for life from h2g2 for
offensive/anti-social behaviour.

If you would like to re-write your contribution to remove the problem,
we'd be very happy for you to add it to the Guide again.

If you disagree with this moderation decision please reply to this
and one of the DNA Editors will respond within normal working hours.

Best wishes,

The DNA Moderation Team

URL of content (now removed):

"You have previously been banned for life from h2g2 for
offensive/anti-social behaviour."

No I have not.


Post 1836



u have unfortuneately been accused of bein a certain banned user
thats y ur posts r bein yikesed...

see what happens when u wrongly jump to conclusions *sigh*


Post 1837

Researcher 519175

Ah do you mean life time banned AWOL?

A.K.A U550765 "mrman_called_horse"

Chatting with their new friend: U204689 "Mort ( ACE, Sub, Guru ) - A Girl, Interrupted - It costs nothing to show you care..."

Here at: F1710951?thread=362008&skip=11 saying to put a message "not to ACE" the very thing that was on my space! (Now updated, after it *eventualy* hidden, and open to be edited.

*hiss* smiley - blackcat


Post 1838



yep!! it be him
its ok i was accused once too just for talkin to sum1 on ere who is his pal
ur just bein accused cos ur new in this convo (i think) n theyre prob bored now they cant find him haha


Post 1839

Researcher 519175

Well leat now everybody know I am not AWOL, or ever been banned.

Subject: RE: Your DNA Guide Entry has been removed
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 19:34:59 -0000
From: "h2g2 Feedback" | This is Spam | Add to Address Book
To: "TWC The Works Cat"

Dear The Works Cat,

Thank you for alerting us to this error, which has now been corrected.


h2g2 Feedback

smiley - cat


Post 1840


It is a prime example of the witch-hunt mentality though (which is just as endemic to this site as the more general mob mentality is) since The Works Cat did not really appear to behave like AWOL. One of the prime indications of a genuine AWOL account would seem to be it going round to certain other accounts and saying "I'm AWOL". Although this is not conclusive either way, it is certainly a nice big clue for the intellectually challenged. Could it possibly be *ACEs* (or ACE wannabes) running and telling false tales to the staff again?

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