A Conversation for Aces' Code of Conduct

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1941

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]


(oops this ain't the word game thread is it.)

smiley - winkeye

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1942

KNight BLUENOSELD, landlord and GOD of The Boars Head A1042534 United Friends Minister of Self Rigtheousness

smiley - book

BNsmiley - blue.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1943


uuuhhhhhmmmmmm,.....no ACES posting.......??????

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1944

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Well apparently the latest craze could be:

*hand in their badge*

*create new user account / with a new nickname*

*re-apply for a badge and refuse to admit true identity*

smiley - sadface

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1945


Jab.....ur right,but av them new users been banned ???.....I think not,maybe we'll get a reply from em ????????????????????/???

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1946


Really? Gosh, I'm all ears. Do please tell me more about this scam smiley - bigeyes

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1947

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

*re-check links*

smiley - erm nope, it may be...

The re-named ACEd as was *will* admit their old name...

But, it's the previous 'only an ACE sycophant' that changes their name in tandom with these ACes that are denying who they really are (where) as they now apply for their own ACE badge.

Possibly, all the facts are not being told properly, and in good time by people currently applying for a badge.

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1948

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

WB: nope non of the "new ones" have been banned. Though ironic it was a banned Resercher spotted this.

GD: There *is* something smiley - weird going on, about people not admitting even their own real name in application. - Yet the manage to have the same core of people on their friends list. smiley - rofl

A second problem is people cloning themself. smiley - erm

Then there is a third problem of people that deney having another three accounts/ "it's not me" yet they have posted on site personal ID of themself. Three X's and a Y when X=Y

In short people are not being open in their application for an ACE badge.

I don't know what WB (above) knows, but I've spotted one, and three others have seen these goings on in the last week. smiley - erm

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1949

fords - number 1 all over heaven

smiley - whistle

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1950

The H2G2 Editors

It's immaterial whether old Researchers are creating new accounts to apply to be an ACE. We're not recruiting ACEs for the foreseeable, so they're only wasting their own time. smiley - smiley

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1951

fords - number 1 all over heaven

At the risk of showing herself up for missing something out on the backlog, why do they do this?

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1952

Jab [Since 29th November 2002]

Note to the editors: It was going on back in January, ie pre 15th January 2004.

Why fords posted, yesterday September 16th not sure.

To answer fords, why they did such a thing (back then) maybe you could ask them that are 'in the thread' but are now not an ACE, track down all the new users in January and see if any are ACEs. They have just the same friends, post in just the same places, not exactly hard to find them out. But that would be a really, really bad idea...

The thread was not about this bed-hopping anyway, it was just one stupid things people did during the 'life' of the thread. The purpose was to highlight a different problem, that was resolved not long after the thread 'died' in January. ie. the few twits with ACEs badges now don't have them (under any name).

The sick thing is some good people left the ACE scheme too, for the sake of avoiding naming names.

But hey there are still plenty of 'group attacks on individuals going on' tis the nature of the beast, badges or no.

smiley - yuk

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1953


Well for one i thought this thread had died a death ages after a few Aces was allowed to get there good name draged through the mud....

Was the accusations proven......No not as far as i can tell it was very imaganative just like the story a researcher(enter name here)thought up to do little more than to take a opertunity to take a pop at a few Aces at the time and course trouble of which was a job well done in my view the Aces she had a groudge against have left or seemed very inactive since this started

what ammazed me was just how fast soe researchers who never saute to complain before came out the woodwork to complain obviously the researcher who complained must have had the shared brain cell on that day?????

was the person repromanded by a italic on the spred of these slanderous lies.....no they was given free raign to say what they wanted not just here but they continued the vertual kicking on there own space where any new researcher could see them and its like the old saying if a lie is spred enough its belived to be fact with out even venturing to seek what the actuall truth is

Was any Ace repremanded for any action's/abouse of the badge and there status as a Ace....No and seein that there as alays been a strong line taken agains any one proven to have aboused there position or brought the Ace group into dissrepute have had there badge taken away and also in a case where warrented all volunteer badges would have been striped as well.So i think that the fact non of these accusations was upheld becouse alconserned kept there badges untill they thought it was better handing them in

On a few occastions if you read the back log they was asked to prove any or all accusations and they was unable to find them but was continueing to look for them this whent on untill this thread died

Im very dissapointed that this thread has been reopend again after it was just a past memory/nightmaire for the aces involved what will it gain now appart from provideing another exuse for the people involved in the accusing to go on another witch hunt and this will not do the Aces any more good than it did the last time around this thread was better for all conserned just left alone

Just a quick note for a past message....

Is there no Aces posting????

No there was no point back then posting any thing it was only make matters worse than they allready was it was a group dissition to leave this thread alone if you read this thread from the begining *any one just joining us*you will see that two aces tryed to help this researcher any way they could they gave them all the info any one could give as you read on you will see this thread was just beeing used for nasty messages and to add fuel to the fire thats why no Acs posted on here????

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1954


was the accusation proven intern? not as far as you can tell, (refrains from speaking my mind to that comment), hmm hard to prove something when the 'people' in question 'innocently' hide, mislead and delete evidence of what ive said knowing i didnt have a pc, and couldnt keep up with the speed in which they covered their tracks, that is not to say things were not pointed out to TPTB, however when these individuals and TPTB work side by side its very difficult to show them something they refuse to see, or interpret completely differently and deliberately

"it was very imaganative just like the story a researcher(enter name here)thought up to do little more than to take an opertunity to take a pop at a few Aces at the time and course trouble of which was a job well done in my view the Aces she had a groudge against have left or seemed very inactive since this started"

enter name here, you obviously mean me so just say so..and it was no story as you are well aware, my imagination isnt that good, yes i had a pop at a few aces for not following the code of conduct - the purpose of this thread if you recall? my purpose was not to cause trouble as you would have everyone believe but to point out 'some' were abusing the badge and clearly didnt understand what the aces code of conduct meant, or in some cases did understand but chose to interpret it in their own way or in other cases knew of certain goings on but chose to turn a blind eye for their own reasons, that is not causing trouble that is letting people on h2 know whats really going on, or at least trying to because almost everytime i pointed something important out, a 'few' would run straight in here and hide it so as it was never seen, now it seems to me if nobody had nothing to hide, a certain 'few' would not be so quick to keep it hidden, would they? please do not insult my intelligence by posting that any ace involved has left as a result of this thread, you are fully aware as am i of the amount of name changes/alias's and reapplying of ace badges, enough said, and as for aces seeming inactive 'since this started' (seeming being a key word), remind me again who it was that stated in this thread, TPTB had told the aces to keep quiet in here?

"the researcher who complained must have had the shared brain cell on that day"

really intern, im surprised at you throwing insults when you are clearly back on the trail of getting your badge back, the 1 you threw back in their faces for what? sympathy? attention seeking? if you do want your badge back you really are going to have to think before you post, tell me all these researchers who came out of the woodwork with an opinion opposed to yours, are they all troublemakers? perhaps everybody should just agree with everything you have to say, if they can understand that is....

"was the person repromanded by a italic on the spred of these slanderous lies"

firstly it is only slander when you directly point someone out, point of fact i was told by loup dargent early on in this thread that i must mention no names, perhaps you might like to look up slander in the dictionary? secondly, if you are calling me a liar you are also calling a number of other researchers on h2g2 liars aswell, do i need to point out what that means or are you following me? and lastly was i reprimanded? im on premod, saves your time tracking down my posts, nobody will see them until the mods are happy that i havent said anything to make anyone nervous, what more do you want by way of reprimand? would you like me to recieve a lifetime barring aswell? feel free to start an h2g2 campaign by way of petition lol

actually as you and many others are aware i was not given free reign to say what i wanted, i was told to keep quiet and not to pursue this thread, i was threatened offline by aces to keep quiet, i was told by TPTB to take it to email, (which i did eventually, remember my emails got 'lost' for a time), and free reign means nothing if every other post is yikesed before the researchers have had a chance to see whats been said..im glad you mentioned that old saying about if a lie is spread enough its believed, remember the 'campaign' to rubbish me and convince people i just had an axe to grind and was out to cause trouble?!

was any ace reprimanded? lol its hard to say as TPTB said they would not discuss it on this thread, wasnt it a matter for the ace forum and the individuals concerned? i was about to say should you not be discussing that but your not an ace anymore, you 'quit' remember?

you keep on about proof intern, i do recall several researchers, including myself that offered examples of my points, though mine were few and rubbished or removed, i have already said much was removed and why, 1 ace in particular i remember took the trouble to remove everything the very night i pointed out i knew of 1 such example and its whereabouts, not only in his ace name but in his spare, purely coincidental of course!!!!!

surely if you are disappointed this thread has been reopened wouldnt it of made more of a statement if you didnt continue adding the same old points you made time and time again? it may well of been a nightmare for 'some' aces but those who have nothing to hide im sure can see no harm in a thread that debates the aces code of conduct, for surely if nothing else lessons can be learned? you are correct in 1 point though, i must give you credit for that, this thread did turn into a slanging match between some researchers and 'some' aces, i recall 1 ace in particular that came in here and started shouting the odds at a researcher because they had MISREAD a post that another researcher had also misread, do you remember that aswell intern?

smiley - fullmoon

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1955


Oh, for gods sake - GET A LIFE you lot...

If you've nothing better to do then complain about other people then I really do feel sorry for you...

In the words of the immortal Mark Moxon - IT'S ONLY A WEBSITE

Therefore - if you don't like what's going on - either avoid that part of the site or head off elsewhere into the ether...

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1956



who was hideing i was on here if you remember posting you should know it was you and your friends slaging down the Aces and me i was the one trying to defend my corner i never run what other opeople do it is up to them you ask them for a account of themselves not me its not my responsabilaty?????

I wanted to avoyed nameing names people who was here at the time know who i mean and lets face it the energy i put into typeing your name i could put to better use to do something constructive when im dieing?????

So im going to get my badge back yes so how this affects any bareing on this convo i dont know i left for my own reasons they are my own thus they will stay my own

why you complaining any way you got loads of cheap shots knowing fine well i could not insult you back on here you insult my interlect i mean how would that have looked on a thread about the Aces code of conduct now i am staying within the house rules

No lets get my wording correct you was big on this before i acctually possed a question then awnserd it at know time did i say x is a "liar" you are reading into it what fits you best again

you posted on this thread that Aces x y z was abusing there badge correct or not
you was saying they was doing this that the other correct
Regardless of the posts you claim was deleted before you made these un provable accusations you should have got all the relivent pages together first to make sure you was correct and that if they was deleted from there own page you was able to show the thread or conversations that backed your story up
You didnt and you still whent ahead and posted the accusations on here and telling people that we was abuseing our badges accusations you then had no way of proveing in the slightest

If you was beeing threatend why not bring it up at the time and copy and paste your E-Mails at the very least it would have gone some way to saying look im serious there is this this and this and posted them then sent copys to the italics

Im sure that you understand that i still can not disscuse what was and what wasnt said in the Ace forum at that time even tho im no longer a Ace but i do hope that it wasnt a Ace that gave you that infomation tut tut

I think that if we are both beeing fair i think there was times in the middle of the coversation that every one got the wrong end of the stick and missread posts

i think i didnt awnser some thing im sure you will let me know if i have missed something you wanted a awnser to some thing

If we cast our minds back to the begining of the thread this is where it started before as a debaite but me and you with a few others turned it into world war 3smiley - laugh if it stays like this i will be happy to hang around and continue this debaite

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1957

fords - number 1 all over heaven

*puts ACE hat on*

*stands in the middle*

Right! Intern, you stand in that corner, Insomniac you stand in that corner. No, no peeking or making faces!

smiley - winkeye

But seriously, both of you take a deep breath smiley - smiley

Regarding The Aces Code Of Conduct

Post 1958


i dont need a time out im calm very calm infact

altho this could have been left alone smiley - erm

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